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Work Related : First Self-published Travelogue

July 28, 2017
Heyyy, it's been more than 2 months since I resigned from being a full-time Chief Designer at a local start-ups ! I've been really productive and excited lately, I don't think I've ever been this productive (maybe I've been collecting ideas and content for long).  New stuffs : Book : Travelogue Melaka (is still in the checking-editing process by the publisher) Enamel pin : 90s Game Nerrrd Patch...

Event : Pre Comic Art Festival KL 2017

July 26, 2017
* I'll be at booth A4 ! Dewan Bunga Raya Campbell Complex (Near Sogo), Date : 29 & 30 July 2017 Event Page on Facebook * ...

Work Related : New Enamel Pin & The Process

July 18, 2017
Sometimes I get overly excited and inspired, and when that happened, I create a lot of things. After the Uber project and several more little projects, I got some money to invest on new things. Things that I've been wanting to make but didn't have enough money. This time, I decided to create an iron-on patch series and enamel pin. Let me tell a detail story about how I ordered for these enamel...

Little Story 224 : I bought a new Black Shoe

July 17, 2017
Exactly two years ago I wrote about replacing my brown Converse to a new Navy classic one (read here). I remember I bought it before I went to Tokyo for the first time with Af, it travelled to Indonesia, Singapore with us soon after and even bring it to Japan again this year. It walked with me to places, and I love them to bits. It is not an ideal shoes for travelling, but I like it. But my...

Event : From Pen to Paper 5.0

Preparation : I joined another event several weekends ago (I applied for 2 events in July). The application was awhile back, so I was almost fully prepared for it. I printed and cut sticker packs as much as I can wherever, whenever I was free. I think I cut thousands and thousands over the year, I became so good in cutting stickers (I'm a pro !). I also printed several artprints and small greeting...

Work Related : Busy June + Eid Season

July 05, 2017
Heyy, I just compiled these video snippets for the whole June yesterday. If you follow my Patreon page, you should already know how busy I was in June T^T I was focusing on my Melaka Travelogue project that I was supposed to submit before Eid (but I failed). There are another 10 pages to go as I am typing now.  Anyway, I rested for 2 weeks since that first week of Raya. We went back...