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Mini Escapism : Post Tg. Sepat Video

December 31, 2015
And because AF loves cinematography,  he did the 7th Escapism video from our latest mini escapism : ESCAPISM #7 from Farikarim on Vimeo. * PS : If you stalk his Vimeo link, you'll see all the videos he made since early 2013. It's a bit annoying la seeing my own face in most of the videos, tapi I rather have that than seeing other woman's faces in his video kan. Sooo, I'm...

Work Related : Fancy Dinner

December 30, 2015
The 'bosses' held a small dinner party at Ben's on the last Monday night.  There were 8 of us, the members of the new-born start-up company. He said thank you, and "let's us go further to reach higher". If this works, then I hope I help create something useful for people to use. The time is ticking, with God's will, I will have another 22 months to make this company one of the super awesome...

Little Things 211 : 2015

* It's the final week of 2015 ! My 28th year of living. I made goals every new year so I'll have a target to achieve through out the year. Some people don't believe in "new year - new goals", but I do. I make new goals to be achieved early each year so I have something to work for throughout the year. I collected some goals in this post: my successes and failures. It's not for everyone, mostly...

Work Related : Icon Making for

December 29, 2015
I love making icons. I'm still finding a style that I want to stick to but for now I'm exploring some different options. In the learning process, there will be a lot of unused/unwanted icons so I put it up on my Behance.  Some icon designers put a lot of effort in the pre-development stages : they do nice hand-drawn sketches in a book and all. I'm still in the stage where I want to explore...

Books : Books I read in 2015

I thought I've been leaving Murakami for awhile, later I noticed that I read 8 of his books this year alone. It's been so long, I miss his writings. I'll pray for his good health, long productive years and more books. This year I found : Elif Shafak, I think I'll obsess over her for awhile while waiting for more of Murakami and other great writers that I haven't found yet.  This is the...

Work Related : How to Survive Open-plan Office

December 28, 2015
I'm currently working in a new-born start-up company.  They are great, flexible and full of high hopes. I have new space to explore and need to be ready with everything design-oriented from simple things like social media posts to complicated stuffs like full company branding and UI design. I love the challenge ! But there's a perk in working with a group of startupper; we are currently...

Mini Escapism : Raub + Tanjung Sepat, Selangor

* First mini road-trip : Raub, Pahang Well, it wasn't entirely a mini escapism because we actually went back to AF's hometown. But it was definitely our first official road-trip because we finally bought a car and we are both married ! :D I guess no more public transport to go back to his kampung for now, and we'll do road-trips all over Semenanjung. We planned...

Little Stories 215 : Small Talks 2

December 22, 2015
I'm really bad with small talks.  My mind will usually process conversation straight-forwardly, and I'll give honest opinions/answer according to what's being asked. It is safe if you don't ask me the obvious, rather, ask me like you really want to know the answer of your intended question.  This is some of the awkward situations happened at the office : * I was in the pantry...

Book : Post BBW 2015

December 21, 2015
I'm going to update this post until I finish all the books I bought from the BBW2015. So I won't have to tell myself that I've been spending a lot of money to buy books that I don't have time to read :p Current Read : Fragile Things by Neil Gaiman * Previous Read : Stieg and Me by Eva Gabrielsson and Marie-Francoise Colombani I first read the book from the Millennium trilogy in 2011, soon...

Book : Big Bad Wolf Dec 2015

December 17, 2015
Last week on Tuesday we stopped by at Big Bad Wolf after work :D There were a lot of plans throughout the whole week - and we didn't even have time to run or workout, but we managed to spend around 1 hour at BBW, Mines Convention Center : * Compared to the previous years, I think I found more familiar books than I expected. There were Nick Hornby, Jodi Picoult, Neil Gaiman, Orhan Pamuk,...

Little Stories 214 : Nani

December 16, 2015
My current best friend every time I went back to Af's hometown in Raub is his 9 years old cousin, Nani. I first met her 2 years ago when she was 7-ish and she's still in her innocent age when every thing she says are cute and innocent. We will hang-out together most of the time, it's like having a young sister all over again :D  I usually bring back new activity books and my younger sister's...

Book : Honor by Elif Shafak

December 14, 2015
1.  Back in Popular Book Fair at Viva Mall two months ago, I bought Elif Shafak's book : Honor for RM 5. I've been seeing one of her book : The Bastard of Istanbul for quite some time and remember it because of its peculiar title written by a Middle Eastern writer. The name got stuck in my mind without I noticed. So when I saw "Honor" by Elif Shafak for only RM 5, I just picked it up and bought...

Little Things 210 : Having You

December 10, 2015
* That's the thing, I never thought I would reach this phase. The phase where everywhere is home when I'm with you. I no longer feel the need to run. To leave. All those places I longed to explore are now meaningless if I can't have you next to me. I used to be so independent. So certain. I could go everywhere, leave everything and start a new. I guess not anymore. It feels...

Mini Escapism : Tanjong Sepat, Selangor

December 07, 2015
It was Shazni's aka Nerdless Art's wedding.  I'm not quite fond of weddings but he came to my wedding last May with his friends - all the way from KL to Pekan *there were only a few friends that came, him included. So I felt the need to show up to his big day, I didn't even argue with Ma :D  So all of us readied ourselves that Sunday morning. The wedding was held in Tanjong Sepat, around...

Little Stories 213 : Yess and No

December 03, 2015
I'm illustrating for the second travelogue project *after this one. So I've been super ridiculously busy. Busy as in either I stayed up until 3 am or I woke up at 4.30 am in the morning, after or before work, every day. Depends on how exhausted I was after the whole day of working, commuting and exercising. The new full-time job is also taking up my time at the office, I hardly lazying off doing...