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Books : Fight Club

June 27, 2015
* “Warning: If you are reading this then this warning is for you. Every word you read of this useless fine print is another second off your life. Don't you have other things to do? Is your life so empty that you honestly can't think of a better way to spend these moments? Or are you so impressed with authority that you give respect and credence to all that claim it? Do you read everything you're...

Little Things 191 : Yellowmushmellow's DM

* I have this little crush on this awesome Singaporean illustrator, Yellowmushmellow since 2010.  So one day she sent me this little DM on my Instagram to congratulate me for my marriage. And like any fangirl, I was super-excited and promised to post it on my blog so that I can remember that even if no one came to my wedding *lol*, one of my sifu sent a customized nice little illustration...

Little Stories 90 : Paypal's Spammer

This morning, I received a rather convincing email from Paypal regarding sending a payment to a stranger. I was shocked because I didn't send any payment to anyone for the past few weeks. *I used my mobile phone and I often use Paypal for Etsy payment so I come to recognize the email - it is almost really convincing. The different thing is there is a huge note down below stated " If you believe...

Excerpt 14 : Hypothesis

June 23, 2015
5. Try not to get overly attached to a hypothesis just because it’s yours. It’s only a way station in the pursuit of knowledge. Ask yourself why you like the idea. Compare it fairly with the alternatives. See if you can find reasons for rejecting it. If you don’t, others will. - Carl Sagan * I love hypothesis. I love how raw and random it be. I love how it doesn't end with a strict summary...

Little Things 190 : Toxic People 2

I'm going through Zen Habits's archives when I saw :  7 Strategies for Dealing with Toxic People.  Remember this post I did few months back?  I grew up in a pretty intense environment, clearly not a happy cheery teenage life. IF only I knew better, I would probably grew up in much simpler decent life. But I didn't, and the shell that I created to divide between me and the society...

Little Things 189 : Wander

June 22, 2015
* I'm still processing. What changed the most during this 3 weeks? Is it my freedom or my responsibility? Is it my choices or my decisions? Is it my constant thoughts to let myself adapt with the idea of having a new title tatooed on my ring finger? I'm still the one that constantly feels the urge to take a long train ride to the unknown, the one that still steals the smell of cold morning...

Books : Love

June 16, 2015
I came to the office with several old books on my table. My boss put all the books during my off day : William Golding, Chuck Palahniuk, and Paulo Coelho. + Plus my brother bought me Fight Club (Chuck Palahniuk) last weekend. See, when you want something, just ask. Maybe the universe will conspire to help you get it :D ...

Wedding Story : The Kebaya

June 15, 2015
The kebaya was a last minute plan, around 1 month before the wedding when ma found out that I was planning to wear the same dress for akad nikad & sanding. She gave me one of her hand-made exclusive batik kebaya and we sent it to a tailor near our house to do some re-fitting to alter the kebaya according to my measurement. It fitted nicely! I personally love the detailing and I love...

Little Things 188 : Listen

June 13, 2015
Most of people I've been with only listen to words that come out from their mouth. I learned that not many people have that authenticity to listen. The things that we say and things that we don't say. Some people have a good listening skill. Some people don't. Some people prefer to talk. Some people prefer to listen. Some people can hear things that you are not saying. Some people can't hear things...

Wedding Story : People

June 11, 2015
There were 3 of my friends who came on my wedding day :  Tasy, Min and Mimi  + Nerdless Shazni, the doodler. Other than ma's family members who live in Pekan and all their neighbours, I can conclude that no one else came to our wedding. There weren't any ex-schoolmates, ex-kmns, ex-uniten, previous colleagues from Secret.families, current colleagues or anyone else for that matter....

Books : New Wishlist

June 10, 2015
I've come to the point that I've read all Murakami's works and feeling like I don't have anything else to read - even though there are more than hundred million books published all over the world. Do you have any second-hand books to let go? I'm searching for these : Diary by Chuck Palahniuk  The Stranger by Albert Camus  Lolita by Vladimir Nobokov  Fight Club by Chuck Palahniuk...

Excerpt 13 : Your Voice

June 08, 2015
“If you spend enough time reading or writing, you find a voice, but you also find certain tastes. You find certain writers who when they write, it makes your own brain voice like a tuning fork, and you just resonate with them. And when that happens, reading those writers — becomes a source of unbelievable joy. It’s like eating candy for the soul.  And I sometimes have a hard time understanding...