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Little Things 158 : Little House 3 + Baby Plants

November 27, 2014
* Here are things that I bought at MAHA 2014 for less than RM 50 *except for some of the seeds - etsy, baby aloe vera and moss of course. Look at those different types of orchids, not quite sure which are which now. * Aftermath : I took several hours to replace their pots. Not quite sure whether planting orchids this way would work or not tho. Inspiration taken from too many images...

Event : MAHA 2014

November 26, 2014
Last weekend I helped my dad at his booth. He joined MAHA 2014 at Maeps since last Thursday, the event is being held for 10 days, once every 2 years. Dad's booth : ApadanaAgro, Booth 31, Laman Tiba 1, MAHA, Maeps, Serdang. How to go? * When I arrived there on Sunday morning, the booth was already set-up ready to go because the event started 3 days before, so I didn't do much of hard-sweaty...

Little Things 157 : Connection between Experiments & Social Media Posts

November 22, 2014
For 9 years I practiced doing simple scientific experiments. I once believed I wanted to be a nutritionist, up until the moment I failed my matriculation and was banned from entering any public universities. I decided to change my course of life to my second option : graphic + computer, but that, is a whole different story. I was quite good in experimenting. I still believe I am. Not only...

Random : Is it ?

November 19, 2014
Sometimes in a certain phase in life, we get quite close with a person or two. We meet everyday, text each other, spend most of free time together. And under certain circumstances when the phase ends, they slowly disappear from your life. Sometimes with reasons, sometimes there's nothing worth the explanation. They leave you with an empty hole that you've created for them in the beginning.  And...

Little Things 156 : Little House 2

There are 2 things that I really want right now : 1. Medium sized refrigerator 2. Comfortable natural coloured sofa. I took everything old and wood-made from the apartment to my new home. I've painted the book case, lamp shade, rattan cabinet to white, and my sister helped me paint the old wooden reading desk from my childhood years and a heavy small desk to white as well.  It...

Books : Books Hidden behind the Escalator

November 15, 2014
Later that night after work, I stopped by at the nearest almost-deserted shopping mall to buy some groceries. I almost missed the old books seller next to the escalator. There is this thing about bookaholic's eyes that can always find books at random places even if the books are hiding. Ha. I looked them through, those books looked quite old with yellowish paper and bad cover. Most of the time,...

Books : The Rat Series from Murakami

It's been days since I started to think about which new book to read, after Jay Rubin's book. I wanted to read something that is not too thick and heavy ( both 'Hard-boiled Wonderland & the End of the World' and 'Ghostwritten' are quite heavy - it will take weeks to finish ).  So I remembered the zipped folder a friend of mine sent to me early this year. It consisted of Murakami's e-books...

Books : The Music of Haruki's Words

November 13, 2014
I finished : 'Haruki Murakami & the Music of Words' by Jay Rubin. I loved it. I never thought reading almost 400 pages of semi-autobiography / book discussions would be this entertaining. Jay Rubin, being one of his translator, a long friend and a self-confessed fan of Murakami wrote a thick book discussing almost all of Murakami's books & short stories, adding snippets of interviews,...

Little Things 155 : Cynicism & Previous Archived Posts

November 12, 2014
My brother asked me why I deleted previous posts on this blog and some people who commented on my Google+ might notice that certain posts were deleted last weekend. To answer that, instead of ignoring his whatsapp messages.  The reason is : I hate those narcissism posts. Two posts were talking about :  1. My thoughts on running and my reasons for that, the continuation of...

Little Things 154 : Nothing

I found myself waking up to these : 1. People who know nothing and prefer to know nothing, 2. People who know nothing and prefer to act like they know something, 3. People who know something and prefer to act like they know nothing, 4. People who know something and prefer to show that they know something. So I solemnly pledge to keep my sponge dry and ready to absorb water as much as needed,...

Little Things 153 : Plants

November 09, 2014
I've noticed that I've taken an obsession towards little plants. Maybe to replace Awan's absence. I miss the cat a lot and she misses me too, but I can't let her stay at the new place alone all day long, 5 days a week before I come home from work everyday, can I? She will be terribly lonely T^T * I should thank my dad for teaching me basics stuffs that I should know to take care of plants...

Books : Never-ending Topic

November 07, 2014
I've probably read about 30 - 35 books this year. Mostly things that were written by Murakami and some other classics. I spent too much time commuting and other than playing 5 lives of "Two Dots" - *the game I finally completed last night, I read. I used to buy 1 book each month, now I can go up to 3 books - spending almost RM 100 a month for books. My shelves are expanding quite fast. A...