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Book : Books on Happiness

August 31, 2012
* Hello ! I think by far, this is the fifth book on Happiness for this year. I've read and churned everything I could find and they usually talk about almost the same thing. Why I read all these books? What am I trying to prove? Where am I leading? Well, I am just curious, on how people finding their happiness, how they see it, how they answer to it. So I read books from different writers,...

Doodle : Free Sketches

August 30, 2012
* Hello ! The giftaways entry is still open until 7th September 2012, another a week to go. Read more here, that is the original post! Here are another additional sketches to be won : *...

How to Feed Your Curiosity?

August 29, 2012
* Hello ! Feed curiosity. If knowledge is eatable, I think I would be excessively obese by now. How you can feed your curiosity? Read book, the lamest possible way. Pick a book and read. Don't just pick one book, read as many as you can on that topic. Read book from different writers, different ethnic, and religious beliefs. Collect all knowledge and analyze your findings. Ask...

Movie : Premium Rush and I

August 27, 2012
I missed writing terribly. In this past 17 days without writing, I tried my best to consider it as my days with real life experiences and stories. I told myself that I needed this to be a better writer and observer. I've read around 5 books, including novel graphics and travelogues. I've been to many places. I met people. I joined group activities such as watching television that make me felt...

App : Fieldrunners 2

I love the game sequal to the award winning game, Fieldrunners!  Before I went back home to my kampung, I keep on reconsidering to buy the game. I know I loved the previous Fieldrunners and I did bought the game last year, finished playing and even stopped playing it completely. *I have a habit of over-excessively play a game until the ending and I'll leave it completely afterwards. Several...

Raya 2012

Win sketches here! * Hello, it's been more than a week of Raya's holiday! How was your Raya? My Raya was nice. I went back to JB and Pekan, Pahang, met families and old friends, ate various foods, gave duit raya and received duit raya, it was beautiful!  I am currently working on my Raya experience in doodles, so we'll wait for that, ya! Anyhow, here is a photo of my siblings and...

Doodle : Finding Inspiration

August 24, 2012
I read an article by Leo Babauta from ZenHabits on Finding Inspiration and took a visual note on it. Here : Ignore some misspells :D * My ways of finding inspiration : 1. Surrounding This is by what I see, what I experience, small incidents, items on my desk, random ideas and such. 2. Blog walking Famous way to feel inspired is by seeing other people doing so well in finding theirs....

Random : Tasya's birthday

August 16, 2012
* Last weekend was one of my best friend's birthday.  Happy birthday Tasya!  * We went to Ole-ole Bali in Sunway Pyramid. It was my first time experience so I ordered western food : Chicken Chop and Chips for RM 28.90. I should probably order their signature food instead of random western food but I wasn't really focusing much while reading the menu *it was almost 7pm! The...

Doodle : Zamzammee

* Hello ! Some of you might know my old-time doodle partner, zamzammee. I met him a couple of days ago for iftar, while waiting for the time, I took the chance to ask for a doodle. The amazing thing about him is the ability to doodle so fast on the spot. I am always amazed by what he can do. I learned from him, back when doodle isn't so popular on the net. We've started to doodle and...

Little Thing 34 : Dad's Saying 2

August 15, 2012
Today while reading this, I found another quotation my dad used to repeat many times : “If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough.” - Albert Einstein. My dad used to asked us, siblings, pop questions on random things that we've learned at school. Being us, we were as nervous as house mouse, we usually squeak when my dad asked anything and we just mumbled away anything. My...

Book : French Milk

Win sketches here! * Hello ! I woke up early today because I was awaken by countless mosquito bites. I thought I'd be feeling groggy, but luckily I felt alive! I literally sang-aloud Karyn White's Superwoman and Keranamu Cinta by V.E & Quadrose, my all time random favorites.  Before I went to to the bus stop, I went to check the letter box. Silently hoping for Raya cards, but...

Food : Frozen Yogurt , Snogurt

August 13, 2012
* Hello! Frozen Yogurts are widely spreading in Malaysia these past couple of years. I am a big fan of frozen yogurt! Exciting enough, there is a new frozen yogurt shop called Snogurt in Equine Park. We went there last week to have a taste of it. It tasted as delicious as Moo & Tutti-Fruitti.  Snogurt in Equine Park is still on promotional price, you'll get 30% off until this 18th...

Doodle : Gift-away Reminder

* Just for s soft reminder : You can still participate in sketches gift-aways for August! 3 weeks to go.  This week's sketch : ...

Doodle : My Doodle Book

August 10, 2012
*  Hello ! I found a really nice empty doodle book! Perfect for my doodles using pencil, it is clean and it does not crumple when I erase any mistakes. Nice size, it is A6,  small enough to be stuffed in my bag with 48 pages to doodle. I love it!  I used to use Moleskine's notebook, but it gets too pricey when it comes to random doodles and note taking. So I've been searching...

Travel : Melaka 3

Don't forget current gift-aways! * Hello! This is my final post on my Melaka trip, I promise! I took a lot of photos that I love and putting it up in my blog is one of the way to keep it fresh in my mind. It is like a public diary of my living years. I do go through my blog every now and then. Just to have a taste of my past and reminding myself on how much I grew up and learned these...

Book : Harry Potter

August 09, 2012
* Hello! Early this week, I decided to reread Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. The book I got almost 11 years ago. It had turned blotchy brownish-yellow with old book's smell. It is wide opened in the middle, because the book's binding isn't as strong as before. In the first page, my mom's wrote : I remembered the incident when I bought the book quite fondly because it was...

Travel : Bag & Things I Bring

August 08, 2012
* Hello! When I go to places, it is important for me to bring proper bag. Not too large or heavy, not too small or packed. It is safest and convenient for me to use sling bag. Why? 1. Position. You can put your sling bag upfront, if you feel insecure with your surrounding, or at your side, or even sling it to your backside. You can also sling it across your body, so it is hard for people...

Travel : Melaka 2

August 07, 2012
* Hello ! On our second day in Melaka, we walked around the historical town by feet. From our hotel, all the way to Jonker Street again. We ignored the fact that we were slightly exhausted and thirsty, we kept on walking. I took gazillion photos while we were walking around. I tried to search for tiny details that were left behind by history. Beautiful old buildings, beca, people lining up...