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Little Things 24 : Perspective

May 31, 2012
While I was on the field trip to Cameron Highlands.The four of us *my team went there bringing several cameras along. I think there were 2 dSLRs, 3 digital cameras, and 1 iPhone *had to mention it because I used up most pictures at Cameron from the phone. Back from the field trip, they gave me all of the photos taken there. I was the one who analyzed, chose and edited it for our use. The thing...

Little Stories 8 : Voice

May 30, 2012
I knew since I was able to differentiate between voices a) that can sing and b) voices that can't, that I am categorized in the section b ) voices that can't sing. It is written all over me. So I hardly sing, well I don't actually sing at all except on Sunday morning when my mood is really good and I put on Neil Sedaka or Rod Steward so loud in my room before my sisters complain about it.In my family,...

Little Things 23 : My Books

May 27, 2012
Finally I have the chance to really use a space for my books *only novels, educational magazines & graphic books. A space where my sister won't say my books are too many, or I should put my books elsewhere so that she can put her stuffs, or I have to put my books at random places just because it is disturbing her. I dislike those double rows though.And I dislike the imbalance feel.And I have...

Random thoughts : Invisible Frame

Most time I look at people around me, imagining I am out of the invisible frame that separates us. I see how people talk, react, portray feelings, solving problems. I give that silence a space,  a time to think to myself. Not to judge, but to learn. When I am in a group of people, this is what in my head :Come on Reen, talk. Think about something funny to say. Laugh. Okay, it least smile...

Travel : Cameron Highlands 3

May 25, 2012
Things that I love while I was visiting Cameron Highlands : 1. Moss and trails = Mossy Forest I love trails, in the jungle, those silence, those smells of damp trees, cold sweats, little excitements over odd new findings. I love those little mosses along the road, on the tree trunks, being so tiny and damp with various of textures and gradients of green colours. I got excited over them...

For Sale : Mini Sleepyheads

May 23, 2012
* I thank all new owner of my original illustrations on canvas.  I sold all of them, hoping for a new loving home for them all ❤ Now I am accepting orders for mini sleepyheads on 20 x 20 cm or 15 x 15 cm canvas.  Each illustration is different because I am not reprinting them.  * * Email me : ...

Travel : Cameron Highland 2

May 22, 2012
Advises to Share from this Journey : 1. Bring a lot of socks if you plan to walk a LOT.  You should change your socks daily. One pair of socks = One day. And extra another one pair of socks for nightwear when you go to sleep because it can be a little cold up there.   2. Bring a bottle of water while trekking Especially when you go to Mossy Forest or walk up to the top of Brinchang...

Travel : Cameron Highlands

Hello. Busy busy month. I've been to so many places these past few weeks. Despite so many stories that have been brought home, I had a hard time trying to sum up those experiences in this blog. Sometimes words don't come easy, huh.  Anyhow, along with work assignments, those 3 days in Cameron Highland was a great personal exploration. I took a LOT of pictures both for works and for...

Little Things 22 : Random Smiles

May 19, 2012
* I need something to remind me why I should smile **1. Meeting Awan after 2 weeks of travelling :*2. Eating iced strawberry cheesecake in the hot afternoon :*3. Buying close-friend cute case :*4. Selling many artworks :*5. Finding childhood in old books :*6. Tickling sleepy kittens : *7. Collecting more instax pictures on my desk :*8. Knowing where Totoro is hiding :*9. Watching sunset :*10....

Lesson : Walking Away

May 17, 2012
If people hit you, don't hit back.You'll learn something much bigger when you choose to walk away.You can't change human. But you can change yourself.When people judge you, when people criticize, when people hurt you with words, learn something from it. You should know that if you fight back with the same manner, you are exactly like them.Lick your own wound.Walking away is not because you are weak.It...

❤ May Gift-away ! ❤

May 11, 2012
* Hello hello hello ! It's been a long busy month. I'm still having fun being super busy packed with activities until the end of May. I'll probably be on and off for this whole month.  So, I've been wanting to do a proper gift-away for a while now, and I think it's about time to thank readers and visitors for all your lovely-powerful-inspiring supports ❤  * Here : 'Me'...

For Sale : HootHoot Charm

May 07, 2012
Hello ! Little Hoot Hoot Charm It's up for sale : RM 2 each + RM 1 postage in Malaysia. Email me : to order. ...

For Sale : Sleepyhead Sticker.

* Hello I made this sleepyhead stickers for you ! It's up for sale : RM 3 for 2 pieces + postage in Malaysia. To order , please send an email to : * ...

Pipit Wonderful Market 8 : 2012

May 06, 2012
* Hello! Pipit Wonderful Market 8 was a fun success ! Although none of my close friends or family came to support me this time, except for one former uni friend from Uniten *thanks Ayman!, I had fun there meeting some great artists! esp : irene and minifanfan! :D And the crowd was overwhelming. And I met several online friends. And and and and, it was a bless to get a chance to be there...