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Work Related : Mini Paintings

September 29, 2011
* * Hello, After a couple of months of delaying on posting on of my latest project, here I'm going to share with you : Original mini paintings on wooden block. They are up for sale! Mainly themes were based on several random interest of mine at that moment. Sparks of ideas. Size : 100 x 100 x 6 mm Material : Wooden block & Ink * 1 . Super Mario & Giant Mushroom *remember...

Work Related : It's.Raining.Now

September 26, 2011
* My little naughty Awan, some wooden discs doodle & and my big book of designs. * What do you do on night like this? Watching TV? Doing your homework? Stalking friends in FB? I miss my uni life *Convocation soon* *...

Why you don't need a dSLR?

September 23, 2011
Before you buy a dSLR, you should consider these :Your opinion might be different, but I just wrote this according to my experience only. We can agree to disagree on any matter :)1. Size & weight.dSLR is big and bulky. It is definitely not an ideal camera to bring to your friend's wedding or a reunion. You need to bring it everywhere. You can't leave it on the desk, you can't keep on asking your...


Hello Friday.Did you kiss your mom's forehead this morning? * That's naughty Awan,aiming to bite my hand while drawing. * What inspires me to draw?Nothing really.It's just music and my imbalance emotions.I can almost read my doodle by looking at it. What inspires you? * Post on :Why you don't need a dSLR? ...


September 22, 2011
A sudden realization when I saw my reflection this morning while walking :I look so skinny in this shirt.But it's my favorite purple checker shirt. My very first buttoned checker shirt that I bought as I started working 10 months ago. It's the smallest size.Not a strong point.I'm just bored stiff up to the point where I made this pointless post on my checker shirt. Or was it on me being skinny this...


September 21, 2011
It's hard to expect people would accept you for who you are, fully.I am so aware when I'm being myself, for fear of rejection.There is a little nudge on my heart whenever I see my friends are getting married without mentioning it to me that I found out later via facebook pictures. Somehow I never thought it would upset me.Plug in some music and walk aw...

Black & White

* * Making WIP video on huge canvas.*soon* * It's okay if you can only seeblack & white in your life....


September 19, 2011
* WIP : on really huge canvas * It is interesting to experiment.Up until today, my favorite surface to doodle is on wood.Several months ago I come to the liking of doodling on canvas.Well, depends on the canvas's type of course. Currently I'm doodling on a huge canvas.It takes time.Spontaneous doodle do take a lot of time when it comes to ideas.Sometimes, it rains heavily, sometimes it...


September 17, 2011
* Hello! I'm terribly late for the little doodle contest winner announcement! I'm so sorry, I've been busy with works. Well, thanks for all the doodle submission,keep on doodling for fun! And the winner goes to :Rebinabiru! Please email me Mr.Rebina : for your small prize :) PS :I like his stroke and style of doodling. :...


September 14, 2011
Case Study 1 : Imitation There are many ways of learning, you can learn from observations, studies, practices, workloads and such. I tried one few months ago : imitation. Completely imitate other artist's artwork to challenge myself, and I was curious to know how well I can imitate a person's work. Well, I think imitating one's work is pretty easy, creating something out of your own imagination with...


September 12, 2011
* When visualizing on open air is no longer sufficient. * Hey ho Hey ho,How's your Raya weekend?A lot of open houses & food fiesta? Mine was packed with interesting activities :DWedding, open house, outings.Managed to finish off the 7 wooden plates,now I'm counting on next new 6 pieces. * Cool stuffs are going to happen next month!Graduation day, Pipit, Big Bad Wolf, Hajj, my mom's birthday.Yeay! * and,...


September 09, 2011
* * Little doodle competition! Send me / link me to your latest doodle andwin RM 5 celcom top-up! Don't forget to link it to this blog back and inform me in the comment box!  :D Ends : Next Wednesday (14th Sept 2011)Winner Announcement : Next Thursday (15th Sept 2011) Have fun doodling...


September 08, 2011
Well I love a good reminder of things that I usually know but often forget.Leo Babauta post on 38 life lessons learned in 38 years.These were extracted from the post, you can read the whole version here.2. Possessions are worse than worthless — they’re harmful. They add no value to your life, and cost you everything. Not just the money required to buy them, but the time and money spent shopping for...

September 07, 2011
Doodles means you spontaneously and absent-mindedly scribble or draw anything, nothing serious. Just for fun. You don't have to sketch it first, and later do the inking process, that in itself is not a doodle. That is more to an illustration or drawing, perhaps! :) So here is a list of things, people, characters, that you can doodle : (Pictures are taken from my previous doodle works & links...

Holstee Manifesto :)

September 06, 2011
* * Wear your passion guys! Keep making your first step. Make today better than yesterday : * Later : I'll share with you ideas to doodle  :)...

Books are meant to be shared * Dear Readers, I am the Messenger by Markus Zusak I bought this book about 3 weeks ago, for RM 48.50. I was thinking of sharing this book with other people, so I'm going to sell it for RM 15. It's new, plastic wrapped, not normal brownish paper-back paper, the paper quality is much better. I bought it because I loved The Book Thief and I want to...

Confronting Your Allergies

September 05, 2011
What are you made of?  Here is some ways of learning about allergies and ways to reduce or avoid them.  Be informed that I'm not a doctor and this is only from my experiences. You should seek for professional advices if necessary. Allergic : 1. Allergic to prawn Unluckily I am allergic to prawn, mainly certain kind of prawn. I think I can die if I eat a huge lobster...


Follow my blog with Bloglovin Hello, hello, Salam Aidilfitri everyone :) It's been 2 weeks, more?  Joy! I got a booth for the 2nd Pipit this year, how lovely. So, take this chance and meet us :D I'll be giving free gifts for 5 earliest buyers. * Pipit Wonderful Market on 29th October 2011 at Annexe Gallery * I'm taking orders again :) Another 2 wooden frames, before...