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September 30, 2010
* In-making * Let's fly up highby azreenchanAdobe Photoshop CS2  * It's an old artwork, one of my earliest digital colouring work in 2009. I think I posted this before, but in slightly different version. Well, there's a lot of things I want to do.But I'm stuck!Busy and stuck.Not a good combinati...


September 29, 2010
* Digital illustration using AII'm not really good in digital drawing, but I forced myself to do so and entered the Wacom 4th Anima/Manga Monster. Submitted yesterday. Adobe Illustrator CS43 hours ...


September 28, 2010


September 19, 2010
* Hello, it's been a long time :)This was my 4 months due - commission work! Because I refused to draw on fabricated material. And the size was HUGE ( A3 size ) ! * Although I'm not accepting any commission works nowadays, but because of my promise to my little brother's friend - I HAVE to finish it in a week.And here it is : * A detailed and intriguing work of mine.And all my...


September 09, 2010
* * I just hate shopping, so I ended up doodling while waiting for my sister and mom went shopping for Raya. Doodled on tiny little pieces of paper cards. * Tomorrow is Raya, Selamat Hari Raya to everyon...


September 07, 2010
* the bee is on one of my fyp's illustration  Still got so many works to do :o ...


September 04, 2010
* Raya is getting nearer and I'll be off to kampung soon - no internet :pSelamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri in advance. Thanks for supporting my effort in doodling & sketching.I hope you had fun :) * I'm really sorry for my cold-blooded attitude,I'm not really that friendly & I'm pretty bad in socializing,so, stick that in your mind :p( as a reminder )For fear of feeling offended in any way at...


September 01, 2010
* Hello & Salam Ramadhan everyone.I'll be busy until the end of this year. But, as always, I never stop doodling.This time, I want to share with you my secret interest.That is : notebook @ journal @ sketch book, etc So I chose one of the famous legendary notebook :MOLESKINE What is Moleskine? Legendary Notebook - used for the past two centuries by great artists & thinkers - Vincent...