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Places : Toy Museum, Penang - May.09

May 25, 2009
Toy Museum, Penang. :) A trip with my officemates. Life Sized ( Spiderman ) ( Kak Yun - Abg - Adik - Ironman ) ( Adik - Kungfu Panda ) ( Jack Sparrow ) ( Anakin Skywalker ) ( Cat Woman ) ( Darth Vader ) ( Venom ) Others Japanese Doll Collection Bukit Bendera ( Me - Adek - Awin ...

drawing 5

May 21, 2009

Random : Addicted

May 18, 2009
I've been crazily-addicted to learn CSS and polish my HTML skill. My basic knowledge on web development are quite poor and I've already forgotten most of it. But I'm learning everything back. Hopefully I'll be able to write my own CSS template for blogs and websites after this. I got whole lot of inspirational links to many artist, designers, illustrators, etc on my

Random : Post.On.My.Current.Life

May 05, 2009
It's been 5 weeks since my first working day in secretlab. :) I did a lot of exercises using Ai and Ps. I also got many excesses to arts and graphics and the working world which I know will help me throughout my years ahead. I promised myself that I'll make something out of it, and yes, I'm happy I'm doing my internship here. (At least at this moment, I hope I won't be singing this week. Please~!...