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Little Stories 288 : June's Social Events & Please Look After Mom

June 12, 2024
 The Weekend Events : KL Collectors Market & CAFKLI didn't plan on this, just decided I would need a day out on a weekend. So I went to KL Gateway for supposedly CAFKL but I was at the wrong venue! Like I said, I didn't plan for it properly, but luckily KL Collector's Market was there. So, powered with caffeine, I explored the event 'almost' calmly - the crowd wasn't that bad because I was...

Little Stories 287 : I Don't Have Anything Else Other Than Books

June 07, 2024
I was again, at the library.Last weekend, I went there with Ms Chin, thinking that I finally show her the library where I borrowed books - but it was closed (the first Saturday of the month, a rookie mistake). So, we had brunch, spent some time at the CM, got my bracelets fixed and we just walked around window shopping. Then we went to Kino, I bought some books because I wanted something tangible...