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Pregnancy : The Last Few Dates before The Baby Comes

July 17, 2019
We had 4 silent years together. We are both introverts and we hardly have any friends, so we were just together most of the time. We fill each other's silences. Those time we spent together next to each other, doing our things and not saying anything. When we walk along the beach, when we hike during our trips, when we explore new places on foot, when we go on dates after dates. I love that...

Pregnancy : 8 Things I wish I'd Bought from the Start

July 09, 2019
I discussed with Af before about how the uncomfortable phases during pregnancy can be avoided/reduced if I had known what to spend on from the start. But it is already too late (for me) because I'm already reaching my final weeks but hopefully this will help new mothers in the future.  This is for you, as a pregnant woman, not for the baby yet :D -- 1. Pregnancy body pillow...