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No Longer Updating

October 02, 2018
Hello ! I don't think I'll be available to update content for this blog anymore. I know I've been writing on this platform for almost 10 years and I had fun, amazing time with you guys. Thank you for being here, for reading my written thoughts and feelings. The reason why : I started my Patreon last year, and it took most of my writing time nowadays. Although I've been trying to keep up...

Books : 31 Books in 2018 - Achieved ! (Current : 115th Book)

October 01, 2018
I already reached my goal of 31 books this year, last month in March 2018 !  Last year I failed to read 30 books as planned, so this time I had to change my technique to cater my busy lifestyle and I started early (+ I didn't slow down like I usually do every year).  What did I do ? I started subscribing to Scribd ($8.99 per month) and used it to listen to as many audio books as...