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Little Things 231 : Do you bleed?

January 27, 2017
I went to the office's toilet at the end of the corridor this morning. The fourth floor of our building.  There are big windows at the end of the corridor, opened. I smelled the freshly cut grasses and sunshine. I asked myself, is it? Is it really the smell of the freshly cut grasses? Is it possible to smell it far up high? Does the grass bleeds and that is the smell of their blood...

Little Things 230 : Sweet Things

January 26, 2017
I'm old ! I no longer enjoy sweet and sugary things.  Instant coffees and hot drinks in cafes/mamaks make me feel really uncomfortable in the mouth - I rather have unsweetened green tea, mildly sweet coffees or plain water. I used to like desserts and sweets very much. Daww, I'm old. Well, my brother is taking orders for home-made carrot cakes - and chosen cakes by request.  You...

Little Things 229 : Patreon

January 18, 2017
Hello ! I just created my Patreon account here. This Patreon account will help me pursuing my dream to become a full-time illustrator and publish as many books/zines possible. This platform helps creator, maker, illustrator, writer, anyone at all to achieve their dream - it is like Kickstarter for an individual/group.  This year I'm planning to publish several books and zines, so...

Little Thing 228 : On Creativity and When to Start

January 13, 2017
* I was one of those people : the ones who feel like they are not good or skilled enough, the ones who feel afraid to tell who they are because they feel like they are not qualified to be one. True, I didn't learn graphic and the rules of designing when I was a student. True, I started with such a low salary that I didn't dare to tell my friends what I'm gaining compared to their salary at...

Little House : Clothes minimal, NOT

January 08, 2017
We moved back to my red bricks apartment last weekend. They are still staying with us until March, after we come back from our Japan trip. So for now, Af & I are going to stay in the medium-sized room in my apartment. We finally have a large windows and sun lights ! And our own personal moss-free wardrobe.  Moving out has always been a fussy matter. One of the things that I hate...

Little Things 227 : Perfect Strangers Project 3

January 07, 2017
I participated in the Perfect Strangers project by Oh Comely Magazine again last December. This was my third participation since 2015, read here about my first Perfect Strangers project. I came in to the office a day after my birthday leave and saw a big parcel on my table :D Finally it arrived, it felt like getting a birthday present because the parcel did arrived at my office on my birthday....

Little Thing 226 : 30th Birthday

January 04, 2017
Tuesday : Birthday leave, because no one should work on their birthday ! I turned 30. I survived 30 years of human's life ♥  I always have the feeling that I'll die a bit early and maybe I won't even reach this age, but I did somehow, with God's will T^T This feels like I reach the third check-point in my life.  Life is still like this, I am still working, still writing,...