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Mini Escapism : The Forgotten Ones

December 31, 2017
Before I forget, after we went to Stickerrific to restock my items last weekend, we went to Putrajaya for a walk. We found an abandoned place called "Royal Floria" not so far from the Masjid Besi, from Google Map, it is called "Anjung Floria". I did some research and found their website - the final update was from last year's event and maybe it was left unmaintained for awhile now.  * There...

Mini Escapism : Light + Motion Festival

December 29, 2017
* We knew and awaited for the event.  So to avoid the crowd, we went on the first day (Thursday) - which was still a work-day and I know through out the weekend there will be more crowd. Like I told Af "I love event2 keramaian yang tak ramai orang", so we can have the place for ourselves. Af was still tired, because we went there right after he arrived home from work. But this was our...

Mini Project : Introvert's Favorite Stuff

December 27, 2017
2 weeks ago I doodled stuffs that introverts like (I referred to what I love) - so perhaps I did a bit of stereotyping here. I'm sure a lot of people love the same things (shoutout to fellow extroverts & ambiverts !) but I think most introverts can relate to this. As introverts, we love the solitude we can gather in our own house/room. We love being alone, we love the silence, away from all...

Event : Comic Fiesta 2017 + Things I Bought

December 22, 2017
I thought I prepared myself for my first Comic Fiesta.  I did, but it was not enough.  The event was huuuuuuuge, huge as in 2 big halls in KLCC convention center, not including people outside, waiting at the park, super-packed alleys that you need to slowly walk, long queues of people waiting to meet their celebrity cosplayer or take turn to try out games, or even buy things. This...

Little Story 227 : My Best Friend Got Married

December 19, 2017
Yeap, my best friend got married not so long ago ❤ While I draft this post, she was about to get married - she got married - she went on a honeymoon to Osaka - and she got back as well (to show that I usually keep my drafts for long - biar kepam). * Wedding-card Making : I helped with their wedding card several months ago. From the designing of the card, choosing the type of paper, sending...

Class : Doodle your Day with Azreenchan

December 14, 2017
Doodle your Day class date with me.  I would like to spend a day with people who are interested in doodle journaling + illustrating. This is more like an informal class where we could get to know with each other, spend the day doing activities, sharing session and have a guided doodle practice along the way. More like when an introvert wants to share knowledge and skills to people but in a...

Event : Comic Play + Etsy Made Local 2017

December 07, 2017
November was a busy month. I joined 2 events in a week, activated the Etsy discount month for Christmas and we had a fully-packed weekends throughout the whole 2 months until the mid of December (because Comic Fiesta also coming real soon).  Preparation : The preparation took around 3 weeks, to restock all my sold out items from Jesselton Artisan Market and Machi Mochi Market during the...

Little Story 226 : Fancy Brunch

November 06, 2017
Honestly I've never been to a fancy brunch session, because : I hardly do any social gathering I don't go out that much *I stayed at home gathering fats on my thigh On Miss Chin, travel + travelogue : My one and only friend, Tasy asked me to join her in meeting our former teacher from our high school; Miss Chin. I don't have many people from school that I'm still in contact with, and Miss...

Mini Escapism : Video Compilation ❤

November 01, 2017
This is a compilation of our trip to Pantai Air Leleh in Pahang, 5 days trip in Sabah and a short weekend escapade in Port Dickson by Af : ESCAPISM ep. 15 from Farik Karim on Vimeo. ❤ ...

Little Story 225 : Obikeee

October 29, 2017
So you know about the bike services that they provide all over the city? We downloaded the app and we used the one in Putrajaya 2 nights ago, we were happy and excited, the night felt exciting after a long day of work. We planned to go to the 'Friday pasar malam' behind the Palace of Justice. So with empty stomach, the three of us rode there from the mosque where we parked the car. There...

Event : 1-day at Machi Mochi Market

October 28, 2017
Another short noticed event that I joined this year : Machi Mochi Market at Sunway Velocity on the 21st of Oct (Saturday). The organizer asked me to fill-in an emergency Saturday slot for 'Apom-apom' because they can't join on that day. I knew the organizer, so I'd said 'yes' 😃 I'm quite happy to learn that local illustrators are emerging slowly, I saw several new faces at the event among old...