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Movie : Looper

September 30, 2012
Another movie made to make human stop and think for a while. After so many movie genres that keep on giving human a distraction from thinking, here comes : Looper. A movie that gave me some minutes to ponder. There will be spoilers in this post, so you should watch the movie before you come back to this post. So if you watched this movie and want to read my thoughts on this movie, click on the...

Little Stories 21 : Drawing Human

Situation 1 : Anon : Why do you like to draw girls? You fancy girls is it? Me : No ! Girls are easier to draw, their feminism is easy to portray. Anon : No.. I know you fancy girls. *wide smile* Me : .... Situation 2 : Anon : Why do draw so many human?Me : I don't know, I usually doodle without planning anything.Anon : You know, all your drawings will haunt you when you die.Me : No.. They won't.Anon...

Little Stories 20 : A friend & Marriage

A conversation with my friend, he is getting married soon !  A friend : Reen, do you know why some men are afraid to get married?  Me : No.  A friend : Because when we want to get married, the man need to ask a permission from her parents to take care of her. He needs to give the same life she has right now with her parents, or better than that. The expectation and...

Little Stories 19 : Google & My Mother

September 28, 2012
A conversation while having dinner last night : Ma : You know, someone called me today and said my name is listed for Adiguru nomination. Me : What is Adiguru? I only know Adiputra. Ma : Well, I googled and said it is a nomination for Malaysian crafters by Kraftangan Malaysia. Me : You Googled ! Ma : Now everything I google, I don't know, I google. I know how to learn, okay. ...

How to Set Up Reading Challenge ?

* Hello ! I've been using Goodreads for a couple of years. By far, it is the largest social media related with reading tracking website I know. It is widely known, linked to facebook and twitter, has easy-to-use mobile application on iPhone and Android.  Features that I like : You can find a wide ranges of book database. I even found Fadhli's Conteng-conteng book listed in there.  You...

What you Should Know About Blood Donation ?

September 27, 2012
* Hello ! There will be a blood drive donation this Saturday at Jusco AEON. I'll try to be there and donate blood if I am qualified. It will be my 7th time ! It is held by Pusat Darah Negara (PDN). For anyone interested to donate blood, but actually terrified by the idea of it, you should not worry ! I've done it many times, and it is not as terrible as you thought it will be.  * Before...

Little Things 39 : iTunes

September 26, 2012
I love iTunes, I love to browse through the lists of applications.  I used to feel annoyed when I found out that I can't buy songs, movies or books from iTunes because of the area restriction. It was like we are given a catalog full of things but we can't buy it because they just won't post it to you. Up until just few months ago. Recently Apple launched iTunes in several countries in...

Little Thing 39 : Table Manner

September 24, 2012
Table manner. It is ever since that afternoon when my brother pointed it out, I started to be extra aware of it.  I am not sure how we picked up this habit, I guess our parents trained us since we were so small it actually stayed in our head like a normal routine. I thought it is what everybody does, not until I started to become aware of other people's manner while eating and started...

Illustration : Nature

September 23, 2012
*  Hello ! I am beginning to doodle same things over and over. My generic mind keep on producing what it knows. Unfortunately I am not as talented as many illustrators out there, the one that can draw what they see and what they imagine. So to keep on pushing myself and not feeling so down, I call myself a doodler, so it won't be as heavy as being an illustrator!  Anyway, here...

Travel : Thoughts

September 19, 2012
This is one of my morning that I wish I am on Trans-Siberian train expedition, smelling adventure and serenity. I woke up thinking I spent more than hundred thousand for this little apartment and will spend years of my life trying to pay my debts. MOVE from Rick Mereki on Vimeo. ...

Doodle : Carry a Doodle Book

* Carry a doodle book. It is another start of a new book. ...

Pirated Software Issue

September 18, 2012
I've been meaning to write this. It's another topic on morality. The use of pirated softwares for users, especially designers. For me, using pirated software is the same as taking something without permission also as known as stealing. Dear designers and illustrators, it is wrong to make money using pirated software. I purposely emphasize on the making money part, although it is almost the same...

Little Thing 38 : iPhone 5

September 14, 2012
I am an Apple user.  I use many Apple products daily, from the littlest ipod shuffle to an iMac. Yesterday, Apple introduced the latest iPhone 5. If I haven't bought iPhone 4s early this year, I might be stumbling on Apple's website everyday just to pamper my eyes.  But the thing is, I bought my iPhone 4s , eight months ago. It is still shiny, still new, and still scratch free. It...

Little Thing 37 : Motivational Moves

September 13, 2012
Being human, I have my good and bad sides. But I live my everyday life as good as I can. Although people can point and judge me for every single thing I do, I try my best to not take it too personally. And although people said that it's just between you and your Creator, well no, actually it is also between you and people around you.  We revolve around one another whether we like it or...

Little Thing 36 : Money Spent

September 12, 2012
Yesterday I doodled things I spent my money on that day. I spent mostly on food and the other was on transportation ticket. Even though I try my best to reduce spending money on foods! :D So today I brought lunch from home. Yesterday was also my Pasar day. ...

Doodle : How to Help You Boost Your Energy

* When you need to focus for long hours at work, school or university, you need energy to stay productive. Sometimes I take a fastest way out and drink a tin of coffee to stay focus on a job - I'm not proud of this, so I did some reading on how to help me find other ways to recharge my energy at work. Here are some tips on boosting your energy I collected over several blogs and articles : Stay...

Doodle : Toys Set

September 08, 2012
* Hello ! This is my latest digitally painted Toys Sticker Set !  It consists of : Book | Pencil Colours | Lost Sock | Sleeping Plusie | Milk Boat | Gasing | Block Tower | Wooden wheel box * * To order,  please email me at or PM me through facebook page.  ...

Doodle : GameBoy Sticker Set

* Hello!  This time, I digitally painted several Game Boy from various version. As a child from the 1900's I did own Game Boy once. The classic thick greyish one my father's friend from Japan gave us as a present. It was one of the day when people still watch huge CRT Tv and there is no such thing as mobile phone, let alone a CD! Time flies. Here is the Game Boy set, it is consists...

Little Thing 35 : How to Stop Being Easily Offended

September 04, 2012
Sometimes people get hints from interesting encounters.  Lately I've been feeling offended by many little things. No, I am actually easily offended by everything, I called myself "an overly sensitive soul". I usually begged for people around me to not disturb me in any ways possible because I took things too seriously. I tried to change several times, but I failed, I was born like this. In...

Little Stories 18 : Doodle Years

September 03, 2012
* It's 2012, another couple of months before 2013.  Last weekend I found a doodle in my drawer, dated back on 2010. Back when I was still a student, surviving exams and finals. Back when the year was so full with lively experiences of my little achievement from doodling. A field I never thought would bring me to the point I am now today. It was a fun ride. There were ups and downs....

How to Find More Time ?

* I did a short reading on finding more time last week, and came up with several points taken from here and there. Short doodles were made as a soft reminder for myself and others : * PS : Last weekend was one of my productive days. I managed to doodle 2 sets of digital painted stickers. I will need to design another 3 more sets before going to the next phase. Are you ready? :D ...

Hello !

September 01, 2012
❤ * Can you smell 2013 ?  I can....