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Little Thing 284: Taming Chaos

March 10, 2025
Since January, somehow, things have slowly changed. I noticed a change in my own perspective, realizing I'm accepting things that I used to avoid. These breadcrumbs of little incidents slowly lead to phases of realization. And now, I'm just slowly letting go and accepting my story. I'm no longer in pain, no longer attached, and it is a weird sensation to feel. I thought I'd be losing a part of me,...

Little Stories 304: The Concert ✦⋆

February 18, 2025
The Concert:Last weekend I went to Yuna's concert. It was eventful; it was my February highlight. I waited since 2010. I wore something shiny, I put on glitters and diamond stickers, and I sang with her. It is good that I can just let my guard down and wear something I wouldn't wear when I want to (it used to be a struggle). I enjoyed those 2 hours of songs collected over years of heartbreaks,...

Little Stories 303: My First Gathering

February 12, 2025
Hosted my first housewarming party last weekend:I convinced myself in thinking that I need to host something for the first time at my house, to bring in good energy, to start the year with good vibes, and to make an effort to have more people in my life. I prepared for months (since Dec to be exact). Slowly, but it was definitely something that I've been mentally preparing for a while. I bought...

Little Thing 283: Relearning Conversation ♥

February 07, 2025
 On Learning How to Make a Meaningful Conversation:Just like learning how to dance with someone new, it will usually be awkward the first few times because you'll need to learn the steps, to feel how the body fits with each other, learn the movements and the flows, where both ends need to contribute to make the dance flow effortlessly. It is a two-person activity.So the more we practice dancing...

Little Thing 282 : TLC for Ladies ✿

 Okay, I'm going to share with you life necessities for women (or men, as long as you have a wife, sisters, mothers, or any ladies that you care about in life). This might be useful.1. The Soothing Tea - Learn to make this warming and soothing tea for your hard days (pre-menses and during menses). So I bought this in bulk, poured everything out in a big container, mixed it, and kept...

Little Thing 281 : January Highlights

January 31, 2025
The Taiwan TripGot back home from Taiwan in the first week of Jan and apparently left a part of my heart there.The Birthday Month:Celebrated my birthday with the familyBought myself a bunch of yellow and white flowers - of hopes and dreamsDid manicure for the first time - it was weird, but my nails were all clean and shiny, love it. I finally bought my own sofa. I wanted a comfy sofa for the...

Taiwan Trip : The Winter Trip Summary

January 20, 2025
Pre-Planning: I did this last minute and booked the ticket just less than 3 weeks before the trip. No extensive pre-planning like I usually do, I got 2 weeks of holiday from the office, and I decided to use it to complete one of my 2024/25 goals - The Taiwan Trip. I used Notion to plan and track everything, I also make used of their AI function to ask what/how I should make use of the week I...

Little Things 281: Opss, More on That

January 17, 2025
 I've been making a lot of plans, just because it is new year and I had to think through what I wanted to focus on this year. I was way too distracted these past few years. It is unhealthy and not sustainable for my mental well-being. So I decided to learn to refocus, make use of my seriousness and discipline bit, splurge on self-growth, and put aside the irrational part in a box and lock it...

Little Thing 280 : Early Year Reflection

January 10, 2025
New year, big stuff.I've been on hiatus for 3 months, and I have a lot of things to catch up on, but I don't feel ready to. So let's avoid that uncomfortable part. But one huge part of my 'rediscovery' is relearning how to open myself up to join the work market, connecting with people, teaming up, collaborating, making meaningful relationships, and hopefully inspiring others. I've been working...

Little Stories 302 : New Year 2025, I'm Back !

January 08, 2025
I senyap2 went to Taiwan, unplanned. Well, not impromptu, but only around 2 weeks of planning. I returned from meeting Miss Chin for our usual update session, and she convinced me to just book a ticket to Taiwan, as I've always mentioned (every time I meet her, kahkahkah). She even reminded me and asked for updates several days after, just to see whether I did it or not. I've been wanting to...