May 21, 2024

Tooth Story - My Root Canal Tooth Came Back to Haunt Me


I love tootsie stories, huh.

2 nights of waking up due to toothache. I don't often have toothache because I don't think I left any cavities untreated - but this toothache came from the molar tooth that I had root canal treatment in 2020. It was agonizing - I couldn't eat or sleep. By the second day, I had already booked a consultation appointment at a clinic near my apartment for the next day. I woke up at 1 am and I had to take a painkiller to ease the pain (used my last migraine pill). I don't know how people choose to rather go through the pain over and over again than meet a dentist and get proper treatment. 


At the clinic: Dr Smile Dental Equine Park

Scaling & polishing: I think it was a waste of money because my teeth weren't problematic and the doctor took around 5 minutes to clean up just some of the little cavities that I have. He thought I always do scaling - no, I can't even remember when was the last time I did that, but I floss every day, so that helped. 

Pain level: Almost none, price: RM 120

Xray :

Pain level: none, price: RM 50 (for one side)

How to read this x-ray: The whitish part on top of my molar is the crown, the whitish lines below it are the 'treated' nerves and the 'bubble' space below the right whitish nerve is the infection.

Dentist Consult: RM 30

I was asked to do an x-ray and the dentist confirmed that there was an infection below one of my nerves (from the root canal tooth). I asked what were the treatment options:

  1. Redo the Root Canal - during this treatment, he will reopen the crown, remove the filling materials, and find the infected part to treat it. Then fill it back and put back the crown, but there is a possibility of another infection on other nerves in the future, of course.
  2. Extraction - simply put, removing the whole infected molar. 

Based on my experience of having an almost dead molar for the past 3 years, I would pick the second option, which is an extraction. I would like to remove anything that is dying inside of me, and just let it go instead of letting it have a risk of multiple infections in the future. If it is unsalvageable, then I think it is time to say goodbye, I've held on to it for a while. This is a metaphor of my life :F

I am currently on antibiotics for the whole week, and by the end of the week, I will fix the date for my first tooth extraction. I will do a tooth-parting party before that to say goodbye to something that has been there for me for a long time T^T 

Options after the extraction :
  1. Tooth implant - RM 5k+ , best longevity, independent, and most comfortable afterward, but costly and requires surgery
  2. Bridge - RM 4.5k , a bit invasive for the healthy molars next to the missing tooth, they will begin to decay faster in the future, 5-15 years top
  3. Single tooth denture - RM 1k, the most fussiest maintenance, but non-invasive
  4. Do nothing and let it be an empty space

For this part, I haven't decided yet. But the dentist said that I could take time to think about the options, after the extraction. All options have both pros and cons, so I will do a thorough discussion with myself later. 


It is a sad phase kan, saying goodbye to your permanent tooth.
But it is bound to happen eventually, I'm proud and thankful for how long it stayed with me ♥ 

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