May 14, 2024

Little Stories 284 : Little Mami's Stories

On Celebrating Mami's Day:

I just packed my bags and went to my mom's to stay over for the weekend. Sofi had a fever the day before so I decided to let her ponteng on Monday so that we would have an extra day to sleep over. There was not much planned, we just had walks in the mall and ate out, that's it. 

Chill day to spend with my mom and my daughter ♥



Sometimes I feel like I'm getting more and more like my mom - which I ultimately avoided when I was younger. But lately, it feels like our lives mirrored one another, and there's a mutual understanding that we don't have to voice out in fear of getting into more arguments. I always ask myself, is it possible to live with her peacefully in one household? To have 2 queens in one home? How to find harmony in living with a strong complicated character? 

But lately, just lately, I've more understanding in the situation. I can sit in the audience's seat and watch the whole drama being presented on the stage - and say " I feel you ". I do. But as long as no one comes in my way and tries to mess with my seat, I'm ok. 



Sofi vs The Worms

I decided to give Sofi Champs' deworm tablets for the first time. Around 30 hours later, she was nauseous and vomited 3 times in the car on her way back from kampung. She vomited again when she arrived, so we decided to go to the clinic to get it checked. The doctor said her abdomen felt okay, with no tenderness and no other symptoms, so it might be nothing serious. 

I tried giving her the medication for nausea, but she vomited again afterward. She couldn't even eat or drink anything, other than sipping some salt water. Later that night, she woke up to vomit again several more times, I persuaded her to try the nausea medication again (to the point of several briberies). Then after 4 am, the vomiting stopped. She probably vomited more than 10 times in 12 hours.  

The next day she was fine.

But she continued with watery-liquidy poops throughout the whole week. By day 7, she finally had a perfect normal stool again, and so I guess the worm-cleansing phase ended. For that, my friend, it was a nervous week for a first-time mami. Can't believe looking at a perfectly shaped stool would make me so happy. Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah.

Note: I've eaten deworm tablets many times, and there was nothing significant happened. But for Sofi, something had happened, they warned in the small paper in the box about the 'possible' side effects (May cause gastrointestinal disturbances, abdominal pain or upset, diarrhea, nausea or vomiting, headache or dizziness.) - never thought that would happen to Sofi though. 


Sofi's Getting Self-Conscious

"Mami, mami, look at my ears mami"


"My ears are big mami, why mami, why my ears big?"

"You have dadi's ears, dadi's nose, and dadi's eyes, that's why. You have mami's hair and mami's fair skin. You look pretty in your big ears, that's okay". 

I always tease her ears because they are a bit protruding for her tiny delicate face.

Sorry, bb, mami won't tease you again.


Sofi is still at the age where she calls banana a "babana"

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