October 31, 2023

Little Stories 262 : The Glasses, the Fever, the Works and New IC

More stories by the end of October:

Blood Donation:

I arrived, had lunch, registered, and I was stuck during the health checkup process: blood count was 'just enough', I was supposed to get my period that day, and if I donated my blood, I would get anemic symptoms later so the doctor suggested me to not make a donation that day. Also, my blood pressure was low, below 100 (as per usual). So she asked me to try again preferably 2 weeks after the menses.


The Glasses:

I forgot to mention about the glasses. Well, Sofi accidentally stepped on my glasses when I asked her to hug me. Thankfully, I still have backup glasses that I don't usually wear because of the rubber nose pads that leave a mark on my nose bridge and the prescription is not even enough because I got it around 2 years back. 

Here's the last selfie that morning before it happened:

So I ordered a new one, not that different from the one before but this time with an updated prescription, in solid black instead of transparent black, with a sunglass clip-on, blue light, UV protection - all done.


The Slight Fever and The Job:

I was not even a week into the new job when Sofi caught a slight fever and diarrhea. So, I had to stay at home with her. I didn't know whether this was a sign or a level I needed to figure out and get through. 

Ma said that she knew I would reject the job because it was almost impossible at this moment. At least until the end of the year after I change Sofi's kindergarten and find somewhere that offers extra-hour care. This job requires me to work for extra hours, outstation and travel to client sites, and also full commitments to managing the design team, and it is fast-paced, none of the things that I could offer now. So that night after Sofi fell asleep, I decided to tell the boss about my issues and decision because I was supposed to start officially on the 1st Nov - and I had to tell them before the stated date. 

I didn't start officially on the 1st Nov, but I had 3 days trial the week before and everything was chaotic at home during the trial. Other than having to drag my siblings to help pick up Sofi (none were keen to do it every day), I also had to rush back home, it took almost an hour before I arrived at Sofi's kindergarten, and then the dinner had to be prepared fast because when she's hungry, it became chaotic and dramatic. She's also not used to the long hours at school and she rarely spends time with me nowadays, so there was a day when she threw a tantrum and I grew impatient as well, then she screamed and cried while I was cooking and shouting at her. I even threw something on the floor - probably a spoon because I was also on the verge of hysteria (imagine cooking while someone is crying on the floor next to you). That day was a disaster and not healthy for both of us. Yes, I said sorry to her that night for losing my patience, I was the adult and she was the 4-year-old who missed her mom and who was hangry. 

I know being a full-time working mother is a challenging pursuit but I need to find some kind of balance, and this job doesn't offer anything near that. So, I rejected that one even though the title was great for the portfolio and the pay was nice. 

But, Alhamdullillah, I got 2 new clients' projects two days later. 

I think I'm on the right path and I trust the process. 


The New IC:

Okay, this part is new. I didn't know the TnG in our IC could expire this early. 

The TnG chip in my IC expired this year and I had to renew the card. There is this website by our government where we have access to 'Information and Government Services Based On Life Events', called MyGovernment. So I registered (need to use Chrome) and applied to renew my card, and then it was ready to be picked up at JPN Putrajaya within 30 minutes. 

It was super easy and it cost RM 10 only. I renewed my card on Friday and I picked it up on Monday (the day Sofi had a fever), I went to the building, went up to the 2nd floor, went to the counter, told the lady I wanted to pick up my renewed card, she gave me a number, I put my number at counter 26, and waited for my number to be called. Then showed them my receipt, and gave them my old card, he cut it, and he passed me a new one. That's it. 

I think the whole pickup process took less than 15 minutes in total.


The Weekend Treat:

Oh yes, Af also treated us to a mini staycation at Putrajaya on the weekend - I think because he felt bad for not spending time with Sofi for so long since he became too busy with work, outstation, and his freelance job. 

I bought the most beautiful shimmery bubble bath in pink for Sofi and we had fun playing in the bathtub - I think the water was a bit too hot but in an air-cond room, that's why she had a slight fever on Monday, hah hah hah. Compared to the bath bomb, I think bubble bath liquid is much more satisfying. 

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