October 27, 2023

Little Stories 261 : Story Time, Half-Marathon Update, and New Work Schedule

Some stories collected since last week:

Sleep Time:
Sofi and I started a new routine: story time before sleep after we turned off the lights. Usually, our routine would be me reading 1-3 books to her then we go to sleep, but because I'm already too bored with repeating the same books repeatedly, I started the story-telling time. 

For me, creating a simple short story is easy, and I didn't even know I could do it promptly (they aren't perfect but good enough for a 4-year-old). I'm also training her to tell her own story. 

Here's my fav from Sofi:
One day, Elsa walks in the park. There's a poop on her hair. The end =.=

She finds poop-story hilarious.  


The Half-Marathon:

Okay, I didn't have time for proper training so I wasn't confident that I could even do 15 km. So I told my brother *who was supposed to accompany me as my pace runner but didn't register in time. Then he said, just sell the bib. I didn't know people did that, so because I just didn't want to make any decision at this moment, I asked the universe to help me decide: if someone wanted to buy the bib then I don't run, but if no one buys it, I will run. 

Just several hours after he listed the bib, someone requested to buy it, contacted me directly, paid the fees, and picked up the bib + t-shirt that night on the same day. 

So, I don't have to run 21 km tomorrow night.  



Did I mention that I started working in a new job full-time this week? The boss requested me to come in a week early, I'm not even fully mentally prepared for this. But like I said, I don't want to make any decision at this moment, so I just follow the path.

I finished one of my client's work already but 2 more clients are still in the draft phase, so I'm trying to manage them when I wake up early in the morning. Yes, I still automatically wake up around 3.40 a.m. every day. 

About work? Well, work is work. I'm still not used to being in the office for hours on end, 5 days a week. The last time I did that was in 2016. I know, my rebellious heart won't tahan this fixed routine life so I'm still searching for other options but in the meantime, I'm trying my best to stay on the course. That is why I can relate with Knulp or Siddhartha in Hermann Hesse's books or stories about wandering dervishes that can't stay in one place. I know myself, being stuck in a rigid office schedule in an office just doesn't work for me :F 

But my mom is so happy because her daughter is now a Junior Art Director in an agency - let's fake it till you make it.


Balik Kampung 

We were supposed to go back to Pekan in early Oct, but things kept on happening every week so we postponed until last week. Like suddenly Sofi got her kindergarten portrait day scheduled, or I got interviews, then Sofi got a school trip to the fire station, then I got a job offer and had to rush up all clients' works or this and that.

Last week was our final week before I started working full-time, and then we finally canceled when my boss asked me to start work early. So we had a staycation at my sister's house. We went out shopping for groceries and had a grilled and syabu-syabu session on Saturday, and we did more shopping the next day. Just a fun weekend with my siblings and my mom. 

Oh, and there was a free health checkup at Aeon that day. I did a blood pressure and glucose checkup and everything looks normal. Also, now that I don't have to do a half-marathon, I can proceed with donating my blood again. 

Next blood donation drive:

  • Aeon Equine: 28 & 29 Oct, 10 am - 5 pm
  • Aeon Cheras: 28 Oct, 10 am - 5 pm

PS: I also got in for this year's Comic Fiesta but decided to not attend this year around, perhaps next year if I manage to make something solid to sell ðŸ¤²

Note: I will update all the pictures when I have time.

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