June 21, 2023

Random : Who Are You During a Zombie Apocalypse ?

There is an interesting field to discuss on the topic of morals and ethics during a zombie apocalypse. A whole lot of philosophical questions that are worth your nerdy brain to pick on, especially on the 'uncomfortable' what-ifs questions, what is right and wrong during extreme circumstances, who you are as a person, and who you 'really' are in an apocalypse.

These are some questions on morals or ethics that I love to question "myself" because I love challenging my thinking abilities when I watch fictional films, especially about the apocalypse (even though I get triggered easily and I don't feed myself with this kind of content as freely as other people, or I assume). Plus you'll get to know the person better by asking them these hard questions, it's always an interesting pov to learn from.


Questions I love asking people if they've finally watched/played The Last of Us or layan The Walking Dead *spoiler alert*:

  • If you were in Joel's situation, what would you have done? Would you save Ellie or would you sacrifice Ellie to help the finding of the possible vaccine for mankind?  
  • If there is a zombie apocalypse, do you want to be the one that chases others or the one that runs away and is being chased?  
  • Would you surrender and follow a cultish commune, or would you create one yourself, or perhaps you'd be a lone ranger, OR you choose to be a zombie right away because what is the meaning of LIFE in an apocalyptic world? (So choose: Negan, Rick, Daryl, or Carol) 
  • Would you create another human ie get pregnant during an apocalypse? (Maggie & Glenn, helloo?)
  • Would you eat a human to survive or you rather die from starvation? 
  • Would you sacrifice your moral values to survive and to what extent?
  • What would your long-term strategy be during a zombie outbreak? Survive for as long as you can? Make allies, find a group? Become a zombie or suicide?
  • If everyone you know is already dead/turned into a zombie, would you still stay around?

These are some of the questions that I love to ask people (ok, maybe the 'people' are just Af and my siblings). So now, I'm asking you to ask yourself: who you are as a person right now and who you are during a zombie apocalypse.


What is moral and what is ethic?

In the simplest explanation, morals are our own principles, what you believe is right and ethics refer to the societal systems or rules on what everyone agrees is right or acceptable. Your moral values can change if your belief or what you hold on to change, but usually ethical rules don't change as easily without the acceptance of the whole tribe.

For example, if cannibalism is accepted in a tribe/commune during a zombie apocalypse, it is the ethically right thing to do to survive starvation for them, but maybe not for you because you feel it is morally wrong to eat another human being. So, what would you do? 

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