June 24, 2023

Little Things 267 : Drowning On The Land

I'm having a hard time falling asleep, and I keep waking up around 3 - 4 am, a bit too early to start my day. Crampy stomach pain, tense shoulder, dissociation, moody, and a bit too stressed out. This keeps on repeating every few weeks like a pattern. I know myself too much to not notice this - I'm struggling, right? I don't have to talk my mind out of it or try to talk in riddles to lessen the impact. It is what it is, even the mere attempt to convince me to believe in the process is stressing me out.

Look what I found last night - so beautifully written, it sums up my whole existence in one poetic line : 


Note : What was it, the dream that I had between the wake at 3 am and the next wake at 4 am just now? Oh, Alex Turner, practicing session at my uni, and was it Tian, coming down for a bombing? Nothing is more random than having them both in my dream, working. 

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