April 05, 2023

Run : Running Phase 2

I'm jumping on a running track again after 5 years of running hiatus. 

I started running in 2012 and I stopped running in 2018 (after I got pregnant). There was a phase when I ran so much in a year and there was a phase when I slow down on running because I can't get pregnant. I don't know whether it was scientifically related, but I finally got pregnant with Sofi in 2018. (Yelah, tukang urut mokmekmokmek saying I shouldn't run that much if I'm trying to conceive but I was skeptical). Dah la underweight. I actually got pregnant after my 1st 'sengkak' session after a while and during that time the massage therapist said my 'peranakan dah jatuh ni, awak aktif sangat'. Then 2 months after the session, I got pregnant with Sofi, Wallahu A'lam.

In 2012, I started running because I was preparing for my 30s. I was 25 and I felt like it was a perfect number to start running. Now roughly 10 years later, I already reached 36, I think I should continue my old mission to keep on running. I really want to do a long walk and hike soon, so I think running would be a good exercise to prepare for that.


I still have some issues with running :

1. The issue with having low blood pressure. 

I am more prone to feeling dizzy and light-headedness. I always feel like I was going to pass out when I run too fast. My go-to running pace is slow or fast-walking. I also limit my run, the farthest run I did was a half-marathon, twice and I think it works for me. Even when I'm running, I can't suddenly stop, tie my own shoelaces and continue running straight away. Normal bp: Ranging around 120/80, mine is usually below 110/70, sometimes even lower than 100/65. That's why a high-intensity exercise like HIIT training isn't suitable for me, byk moment nak black out esp kalau ada tunduk then bgn.

To deal with this: Limit my running pace, I read that to help raise my bp, I can drink a cup of coffee in the morning. Extra salt would help too. But I've been having low bp for as long as I can remember and feeling lightheadedness or fatigue are a norm for me. 

2. The issue with running in daylight.

I am also prone to migraine and headaches. It took a while to connect these two: sun/bright light + run = migraine. So when I go longer run (more than 10km), I usually develop migraine: like someone hitting on the back of my skull, and additional nausea on top. After I connected these two, then I stopped running in daylight and entered night run (in events). But then migraine can be triggered by so many things. So it is hard to really pinpoint on solely one thing. I did a night half marathon once then I also got a migraine that night. Long run = migraine? 

To deal with this: Run at night or at the gym.

3. The issue with running in a crowd.

I love the solitude of running, so running in events with a crowd doesn't excite me that much. So I prefer running alone with my music.

Anyway, I will add low/moderate intensity exercises to match my health condition: weight training, yoga, long walk, or hiking. My aim has always been a constant fitness activity turned into a habit, I don't have any mountain to conquer. Lagipun I use running as some sort of therapeutic activity. 


How to run again after 5 years hiatus?

  1. Do mild yoga stretches/weight training a week before to prepare your body - ✓
  2. Update your playlist - ✓
  3. Start with a short run (around 3 km) - ✓
  4. Follow a training schedule - ✓
  5. Nerd up and record your journey - ✓


Running Playlist:

I updated my running track because I'm starting a phase 2 running journey. 

The start song is Worthless by d4vd because when you start running after a while you will feel bad and rasa macam rempeyek tengik, but the end song is Dawn by Dario Marianelli & Jean-Yves Thibaudet as a sign of new hope. It's an hour playlist, by the time you enter The Album Leaf, that's the cue that it's another 10 mins+ or so, and you can start to slow down. 

Happy running!

Image credit : Ave Calvar

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