April 03, 2023

Little Things 261 : Acupressure Mats


What's the deal with acupressure mats?

I got my acupressure mat around 2 years ago as my birthday present from my little sister. I requested it. I asked for the one that Anzen sold, it was the one that I found that is visually appealing but it was a bit more expensive than other acupressure mats in the market. 

Acupressure mat therapy involves stimulating pressure points on the body, it got little spikes but they shouldn't puncture your skin if properly used. It can help with tight muscles, neck-shoulder-back pain, headache, relieving anxiety, stress, or tension - because it calms you. It increases blood flow, improves blood circulation, and releases endorphins (the happy hormone) as a response to prickly pain. 


The one that I have :

The cover is made of premium cotton linen: hypoallergenic, moisture and dust-mite resistant. It is also antibacterial and 100% biodegradable. The pillow inserts are buckwheat husks, and the inner cushions are made with 100% eco-friendly coconut coir. Should be able to last 20 years.  

But Anzen no longer sells this acupressure mat (website pun dah down, tah apa jadi). 

The ones that you can find online are so colourful and not that visually appealing (*okay at least for me, if you don't mind colourful spikes then you are good to go). This is the closest that I found, but you do your own research ya. 

I used it throughout the phase where I was often in pain due to neck, shoulder, or back strain every so often in 2021. Before that, I spent thousands on chiro and physio sessions. I stopped going to these sessions a month after I got the mat. I know it doesn't sound convincing here but this actually worked for me. Every time a strain starts to form or I feel anxiety accumulating, I would lie on the bed for 20 minutes. Then it gets better.    

What happens *to me during the 20 min session :

  1.  I lie down on the mat on bare skin. Cover my eyes and my upper body because it gets cold.
  2. The first 5 minutes is the grounding phase, where I try to maintain a calm breathing technique, if I'm not calm enough my body will be tense, and laying on the prickly things will be painful. So I need to calm down. Need to be consciously pushing yourself to a calm state, or you'll be uncomfortable during the whole session (no phone, no audiobooks, no chatting).  
  3. After I survive the 5 mins, I will feel my back heating up. I guess the blood flow improves. I will have a serene and calm feeling. I usually fall asleep. No more tingling or prickly sensations. 
  4. Then my 20 mins is up and my alarm will ring. 
  5. I roll to my side and contemplate my life. 

No lie, you will feel the warmth spreads on your back and the serene feeling is surprisingly very calming. 


Results may be different for each person, but it works for me and as someone in my 30s, I use this to maintain my physical and mental well-being. It works in calming my anxiety, in calming my tense muscles, and in avoiding strains. I use it for the past 2 years as my go-to solution every time I feel my muscle tensed up. 

I always always always recommend acupressure mats to people complaining about recurring back/neck pain because muscles when it is tense and not treated, it will become strained and so painful you'd be crying for pain medication. So to avoid that, just do proper body maintenance. 


Not suitable for :

  • pregnant people
  • use after a big meal
  • long sleep
  • if you have an open wound
  • if you are using blood pressure medication
  • if you have any concerning medical conditions, please refer your doctor.


Duration (don't do all in one session):

  • Back: 20 mins
  • Neck & shoulder: 10 mins
  • Belly: 5 mins
  • Feet: 2 mins

Note: If you are up for a holistic alternative medicine approach, this is your cue to try an acupressure mat. I'm just tired of painkillers and paying thousands for chiro/physio sessions. So I found an alternative that works for me. It's been 2 years and I'm glad I tried this. Hope this helps !



  1. I'm so getting this, thank you Azreen! I totally relate to all the 'symptoms' of post-pregnancy being in your 30s, loss of muscle mass etc. etc. Also I read that being on hormonal contraceptives for too long can also contribute to lenguh² belakang and all of that. Honestly sometimes it's overwhelming to figure out "what's wrong" or how to get out of this physical funk!

    Keep on writing, I appreciate it even though tak sempat comment! Hugs to you and little Sofi!

    1. Oh, thanks Aneesah, for popping up and leaving a comment. Been using the blog to membebel sorg2 lately because I don't think anyone still read it :F

      Yess, try the acupressure mat. Let me know if it works for you.
