March 01, 2019

Books : 32 books in 2019

I received a bunch of books in January for my birthday (I always give book wish list to my siblings a month before my birthday). Most of the books in my wish list were still new, so I received 2 huge fictions and not the small paperback version (one is even a hard-cover). I also bought 3 books as my own birthday present to myself 

And so that's how my 2019 reading challenge started. But by the time February ended, I already finished reading almost 4 of my new books and I'll probably won't have the freedom to buy any other books, so I subscribed to Scribd once again. Last year, I consumed more than 100 books with the help of Scribd, this year I decided to do it again. Why ? Because I just stop hoarding books and start to have an eco-friendly and minimal life as much as I think will help the environment 😊But I still want to read and consume books, so I chose digital/audio books.

2019 Book List :
  1. Silence : in the age of noise by Erling Kagge
  2. Birthday Girl by Haruki Murakami
  3. The Labyrinth of the Spirit by Carlos Ruiz Zafon
  4. Cozy Minimalist Home by Myquillyn Smith
  5. The Simple Guide to a Minimalist Life by Leo Babauta
  6. Down Came the Rain : My Journey Through Post-partum Depression by Brooke Shields
  7. A Spark of Light by Jodi Picoult
Note : I will update this post throughout the year !


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