January 05, 2018

Little Things 241 : 2017 Compilation

As requested, I'm going to share this 2017 compilation that I drafted since the end of last year. Hahaha, lame joke.

1. Read 30 books in a year goal. (Failed)
I only read 15 books in 2017, guyyyyyys. 
I think the most memorable audio book I listened to was Carried Fisher's - Wishful Thinking, probably because she recently passed away. In loving memory of Princess Leia, one of the most iconic fictitious character. It was a great autobiography and I love that she read it herself T^T I think in 2017 I re-read a lot of books that I know I like : Siddhartha (Hermann Hesse) and a lot of Murakami's.

So there is no favorite book of the year, but as for novel graphics I'm recommending : This One Summer (Mariko + Jillian Tamaki), Nothing is Forgotten (Ryan Andrews) & How to be Happy (Eleanor Davis). 


2. Run 450 km in a year (Failed)
Are you kidding me? I only ran the total of 135 km in 2017. I stopped running, I started cycling for fun. I did my second half-marathon last September though.
I think I'll run my third half-marathon next year :D 


3. Travel + Events (Succeed)
We did our 2 weeks family trip to Osaka + Kyoto as planned and we went to Sabah too.

I joined so many memorable events this year : my second Etsy Made Local , Jesselton Artisan Market in Sabah, and my very first CAFKL + Comic Fiesta. Fun times :)


4. Career (Major changes here)*
I became a full-time designer + illustrator
I survived 9 months, the longest time so far ! This is my life-long dream - to be able to work remotely as an independent artist making things and also freelancing as a designer/illustrator at the same time as well. Anything that helps me make money lah. 

My biggest project in 2017 was with Uber Singapore and several books :

I self-published 2 zines : Eskapi + My Doodle Book. I also did a visual travelogue with a local publisher, but they haven't printed it out yet due to their financial difficulties and I finished my Osaka doodle journal (currently being proof-read by my English teacher). 

New stuffs that I make in 2017 : Eid money packets, enamel pins, iron-on patch, self-published zine.

I also have my own Patreon with several loyal people that has been supporting me, thanks guys ❤  I'm trying to have my own Youtube videos and podcast in Patreon page (but with hugeeee difficulties because I'm so uncomfortable with putting myself in the center of attention). I'll try again in 2018.


5. Ptptn (Succeed)
In 2016, my Ptptn loan balance was around RM 20,000 ! But in 2017 I decided to pay using EPF account 2 and currently the remaining balance is :  RM 6,638. Huge leap, I'm so proud of myself T^T Not so far from RM 0 education loan. Read on how I paid my Ptptn using EPF here.


Artists + illustrators worth mention :
Favorite movies I watched in 2017 :
Favorite song of the year : I Get Overwhelmed by Dark Rooms (I can't even explain these feelings when I listen to this song - Have you watched the movie? - Ghost Story)


  1. Woah! You've achieved a great deal of things in 2017 and I noticed that you've been listening to audio books for the past couple of years. I've never tried to listen to audio books because it is hard for me to determine the words and the world knows that I am bad at multitasking. Also, congrats for your Ptpn! Paying your education loan using EPF is a new thing for me. This entry might come in handy for me when I'm dealing with my education loan in the future. Thanks for sharing this anyway! ^^

    1. Yeah, I'm quite good in multitasking (not sure whether it is bad or good) - but it is definitely useful, I've listened to a lot of audio books and podcasts while doing my designing work. It is like we are doing something else (like designing) and at the same time processing what we are listening to. I thought everyone can do it - but my husband can't :F

      And thank youuu, I hope I finish paying off the Ptptn this year, 3 years faster than I planned.

      How was your year? <3
