January 01, 2018

Little Things 240 : Things I did before 2018

2018, it marked the 10 year anniversary of me blogging publicly on Blogspot ! I don't think I'll stop writing in near future. I know blogging is not so 'in' nowadays, and people prefer micro-blogging or vlogging instead. But I still love the time I spend drafting random pieces and updates of my life to be added into a permanent realm of the internet - this is how narcissistic I can be. 
We build our legacy piece by piece and maybe the whole world will remember you or maybe just a couple of people, but you do what you can to make sure you're still around after you're gone. - A Ghost Story, 2017
To future and the freedom to express our unspoken feelings to total strangers ! 

Things that I did to burn my creative coal this end of 2017 :
  • Watched Coco. I've been wanting to watch after I watched the trailer several months back. I'm glad I followed my instinct and bought the tickets. It is the most colourful, heart-breaking and beautiful movie I watched this year. I cried a bucket, even among all chatty kids around me. We haven't even watched Star Wars during that time. Last December I watched Moana, and this time around I'm really glad I watched Coco. RecuĂ©rdame :  

  • I went to Stickerrific to restock my stuffs. I also met the Szetoo siblings and had a long talk and discussion. We had a great talk about the industry and being an independent artist/illustrator/maker. About how she sometimes struggles to find the meaning of the things that is doing, about taking the unpaved path, about not giving up T^T I felt so inspired. We have a lot of things planned for next year ! I can't wait to make new stuffs ❤
  • We went to Putrajaya for a walk and found abandoned place called 'Anjung Floria'. Beautiful and eerie at the same time. Af made a video out of our walk that day (a lot of me, none of the place though) :
  • Another awaited event to end the 2017. We went to Festival Light & Motion Putrajaya on their first night of the event ! You can read the post here !
  • More movies! : We watched Lion for a movie night (I cried again, it was really good and beautiful), and Star Wars at the cinema. I feel like the duality between going to the dark side or the good side is a bit overrated lah, maybe because I can't really relate to the self-crisis myself. I've always been the 'pembaris' and I can't see the struggle of wanting to do bad/evil things in life. Or maybe because I don't really like science fiction and I rather watch something related to our simpler life around us - without the superheroes, alien, evil super villain.  
  • On new year's eve, I spent my time watching "Our Souls at Night" on Netflix and worked on my next packaging illustration for my latest new enamel pin.  

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