December 27, 2017

Mini Project : Introvert's Favorite Stuff

2 weeks ago I doodled stuffs that introverts like (I referred to what I love) - so perhaps I did a bit of stereotyping here. I'm sure a lot of people love the same things (shoutout to fellow extroverts & ambiverts !) but I think most introverts can relate to this.

As introverts, we love the solitude we can gather in our own house/room. We love being alone, we love the silence, away from all the dramas and distractions. I'm not saying that my lifestyle is healthy, but for the past 9 months I've been so happy and calm. I love working at home, I love the freedom and the silence. I don't expect anyone else to understand, as long as my husband is okay with my choice of living (btw, he is also an introvert so he understands).

So here are the things that I must have :
  • Books (as distraction from the hectic world we are living in)
  • Hot drinks (I love my hot Neslo in the morning, and green tea throughout the day)
  • Favorite pen + pencil , and also doodle book (to write about my thoughts, to doodle, to find previous inspiration and references)  
  • Laptop with movies/series (Anything worth streaming - currently I'm watching : The Crown and Riverdale)
  • Pets (in my case, my lovely fat cat; Awan)
  • Comfort foods (Sometimes sweet, sometimes salty but never healthy)

The doodle I did in my book using my current favorite pencil colour from Pilot Color Eno:


Images I edited for the shops :


I also made a simple process video of it and posted it on my Youtube :

Just to share to people the process of turning an illustration into something (in this case a postcard + sticker). I'm planning to make a new mini project every 2 weeks. I'm already working on the next one related to foods ! ❤


  1. Oh, I love this! And as a fellow introvert, I have to agree on almost all of the above. I think the only thing I'd change is replacing the cat with a dog (my puppy Dio is my partner-in-crime) and removing the hot drink (for some reason I've just never been into them). But yes to the streaming, the doodling, the books, and the sweets. Really anything where we can be at home, alone, and enjoying our own versions of the world instead of the nightmare that's outside - yes, please! (Also, I'm so happy to see you posted a Youtube video about how you turn your illustrations into stuff. I was curious after seeing your original doodle in your notebook! Am off to watch that now!)

    Asti |

    1. Thank you :D
      Ahh yes, I forgot to add music ! Music also play a big role in my life. Music at work, while commute - to wipe away all the noise surrounding me.

      I'll try to make a mini project every 2 weeks and share it on my Youtube. People have been asking about I make my stuffs so I'll try to share the process (roughly - because I'm not that comfortable to show the whooooole long process :D I think snippets will do).

  2. Is it too late to leave a comment here? It amazes me how you always inspire me to search for my true identity (as I'm still a blossoming teenager ><). I hate it when I can't even make a normal eye contact with people. I constantly find myself, questioning which eyes do I need to look at. It's very disturbing! I always end up self-shaming myself. Yeah, I agree with most of the things you've drawn above. It is very accurate, how introverts do value their 'only-me' moments. I myself find comforts by writing my thoughts, I used to have a blog, but nowadays I keep my thoughts in my journal. It's been a real pleasure to get to know you and good news you've gained a new subscriber!

    1. Naww, it is never too late to leave comments in my blog.

      Well, I used to hate the fact that I didn't like to be in a hectic environment or even socialize with my classmates. I thought there was something wrong with me. I didn't understand why I like to spend so much time in the library rather than at the canteen. And I didn't understand a lot about the world and why I have those unstoppable thoughts in my head : so I started blogging.

      I learned to accept myself, and feel comfortable being alone (instead of feeling guilty and feel the need to please people) - I stopped saying sorry for being myself. But I do mention to people that I'm a bit awkward in reality just for a head start - so I won't be seen as a stuck-up/unfriendly, because I can be a bit cooold.

      Haha. Just learn about yourself, take time to accept you as you <3

      PS - Youtube is a really scary place, but I'll try to commit !
