December 29, 2017

Mini Escapism : Light + Motion Festival


We knew and awaited for the event. 
So to avoid the crowd, we went on the first day (Thursday) - which was still a work-day and I know through out the weekend there will be more crowd. Like I told Af "I love event2 keramaian yang tak ramai orang", so we can have the place for ourselves. Af was still tired, because we went there right after he arrived home from work. But this was our only chance to go to avoid the crowd.

The crowd was still acceptable (not too big, not too small), you can still get decent photos but you have to wait for your turn. I don't think you can do the same during the weekend. We even parked near the dataran (Parking Lot next to the mamak's junction).

There were food trucks along side of the road, and also huge food center with hundreds of food stalls - so there won't be any issue with food. But you can hardly find anything healthy. Hah. I think there will be fireworks on the final night for the new year celebration (so you can also plan for that). I never went out on any new year's celebration for all my life because I'm not comfortable with crowds and it makes sense now. 

Note : Some places were pretty dark, some places were so light and because I have some issues with my eyes, I found it quite uncomfortable for my eyes. Again a reminder for myself, I need to do my eye check-up. 

Here are the photos that I took, Af took a lot of video snippets to be compiled later :


More about the event :

Date - 28 - 31 December 2017
Time - 7.30 pm until 12.30 pm
Place - Dataran Putrajaya


  1. Hi :)

    I have never thought that Putrajaya has something like this. It's so pretty!
    Well, maybe its because you're good at taking beautiful photos too, hehe.
    I'm pretty sure you don't remember me. I'm the one who commented on your 2016
    compilation's post last year. (^^)
    I've always been reading your blog but rarely have the courage to comment anything.
    I hope that you'll be as active as always for 2018. Your blog is kinda one of the things that has kept me going. Can't wait for your 2017 Compilation's post if you have one!

    Have a good day! :D

    1. Hello,

      Oh goodness ! Thank you for still reading my blog. It has been 10 years since I started blogging in Blogspot (not including the time when I blogged in Myspace?) . Sometimes I feel like I should stop writing, because I don't think people read blogs as much as before. But I had to leave something behind :F Hah.

      I'll probably do the compilation thingy. Maaaaybe. I feel a bit embarrassed because I changed the course of my life this year around, so I didn't have time to reach most of the goals that are not related to my work or career. Hahaha. But I'll try !

      Have a great new year to you <3
