September 09, 2017

Random : Question question

Good morning guys, I have a great news ! 

The inking and colouring process of my second travel diary is almost finished (current : 45 pages !) . There will be more additional pages of short comic to connect the story, so I think the book will probably reach 50 - 60 pages. For now, most of the pages are just list of things that happened and illustrated visuals. I am sooooo happy and excited :F 

The main question here : 
  1. Do I want people to use it as a guide & use it as an activity book while they are in Japan, or just read it as a story? Because this decides how the book should go. 
  2. What will the possible title be? 
  3. What should I draw on the cover page? 
Tell me what you think !
You can also answer in my Patreon here.

All your input will be taken into consideration ❤ ❤


  1. 1. Activity book (!)
    2. 'Randomness in Japan'
    3. Activity in Japan (?)

    1. Thanks for your input anon !
      I will post some cover page drafts in my Patreon soon to ask for their opinion :D
