September 05, 2017

Random : Holiday Season + Findings

Last Thursday during Merdeka holiday, we went back to Raub for Eid-Adha celebration. 
Happy things that happened during the holiday :
  • Learned another new dishes from Af's mom : Chicken rendang + Sardine Curry + Curry Mee with crab. My cooking skill extended vastly since I got married 2 years ago because every time we go back to Raub, there must be something new to learn
  • Special birthday party to Af's little sister, we have a very nice relationship despite huge age difference. We clicked since we first met, and she's only 10. We gave her a book, DIY felt set and loom bands accessories. 
That's the traffic when we went back to KL on Sunday and our surprise birthday partay 
    • A company in CA, US contacted me regarding stocking my enamel pins + patches to their online shop. Definitely will consider !
    • Af's mom passed all raw crystal stones to us (belonged to Arwah Ayah) and I can't wait to do a research. I wear black shungite pendant from Russia (kinda mentioned it before in this post) and keep a moonstone from India on my desk. My dad and brother are also crystal collector =.= but I don't want to be a collector, I am more interested in the crystal properties itself instead of their physical beauty. Note : The reason I wear a shungite pendant with a black thread is because I looove how it looked on me instead of gold and silver and all the lovely things most women love. I don't really wear girly jewelries so I've been searching for something more suitable to wear. And I found this mineraloid for my 30th birthday. Flat black stone kinda represent my rebel and sarcastic nature :
    Image taken from their website, thus the dried flower & old parchment
    • I also received my parcel consisted of 2 new enamel pin stocks and I am not waiting for the backing card specially designed for these 2 new pins. Pre-order now (until 6th Sept).
    • Ptptn loan balance updated and currently only RM 6.5k left to be paid ! Look how far I've crawled.

    Interesting Findings :

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