November 01, 2016

Work Related : Vectober

Other than updated Behance posts and its portfolio, I also post daily on my Dribbble account. Most things are vectorized items that I did when I worked with Freepik throughout this year - there are hundreds of little items, but I did an alternate version for the ones that I posted on my Dribbble account daily. It's a cute-eyed mini version.

It started with the #inktober that everyone in IG mentioned about, but I no longer have time to draw on paper, so I changed it to #vectober - apparently my current main medium is all in digital :F So I kept on posting it daily, sometimes 2-3 per day because I always missed posting stuffs over the weekend. 2 weeks later, it became like a dedication - a thing that I need to do at least for just a few minutes daily. 

I'm so proud of the outcome.
I posted around 25 shots in Dribbble for the month of October :


  1. So cute.. I love them tiny faces. Do you mind listing the hardware and software you frequently use for your artwork? I know you've talked about this on multiple occasions.. Sorry for being lazy to retrace your blog entries T.T

    1. Yalaa, so many times. Haha.

      Hardware : Wacom Tablet - Intuos (Medium) + my doodle book sometimes..
      Software : Adobe Illustrator CC + Photoshop CC
      (I subscribed for the whole Adobe Creative Suite but not really actively using the others, except for another one : Adobe Experience Design that I use at the office) - only 3 active softwares.

  2. Extremely cute..! And lovely..Adowable..~ *v*

    I can only draw on paper now because my once 'grown up' laptop has turned into a 'baby' laptop after reformat..and I'm so lazy to groom it again.. =_=

    1. Aha, don't have to add fancy2 fonts, brushes and presets.
      Just raw doodles on softwares using basic tools still can do!
