November 06, 2016

Little House : Kitchen Makeover 01

I'll be frank, I'm not full-heartedly committed with this project.

The reasons :
  1. Because I am still renting other place with AF and having to be in charge of 2 places at once isn't financially smart.
  2. It's still my house, Ma mentioned it several times. I had to be financially in-charge of the full renovation because it's the "owner's" responsibility, aside from my whole family is living there instead of me.
  3. The kitchen cabinet collapsed too soon, too sudden, the sink was broken, the whole kitchen was flooded. They had the problem for 2 months - like that. And everyone was not really full-heartedly committed as well.
  4. I had to do something, fast, money-efficient, and solve this stupid problem that stalled for far too long.
  5. I hated my siblings for turning their eyes blind for this. For letting this problem consumed 2 months of their lives like nothing happened and passed it to Ma, and living there like a renting house.
So I finally decided to kick them out, I'll be in charge and move back again this December instead. I asked my brother and sister to find their own renting place because I don't want them there. It was the hardest thing to do, but I had too, they are far too old for me or ma to take care of them. I'm fully aware about sharing this matter in my blog *it is against my rules nowadays, especially the ranting part, but I don't want to cry myself to sleep just because of these things that I told them so many times but they kept silent, just ignored my messages and let me think and think and think and rant to AF for over a year now. No, make it almost 2 years since we got married. They have no idea how stressed out I got over this. So kicking them out with a heart-stone decision is my final option and I'm sticking up to it.

Ma is disappointed with me, she felt like I'm kicking her out too.
I told her that I just want my siblings to find their own place and be responsible for their lives instead. Plus to stop using so many excuses to grow up and be independent like I did. 

So, that's the part of how this problem started and how it came to kitchen renovation project solely decided and planned on me alone, with a help from Af of course.


The pre-plan :

So the previous 10 years kitchen plan was the L-shaped kitchen cabinet with 4-place gas cooktop installed, 2-parts sink and the whole electrical items on it. I hated the mess, because the kitchen is small and my family of 6 is all big and all the hoarded stuffs were taking too much space. It is too crammed with collected and unused stuffs.

I wanted the future kitchen to be used comfortably because I'm going to use the space everyday. So I planned on making the main kitchen a dry kitchen with a bigger dining place and the store behind that used to be my brother's room to be turned into a wet kitchen and where I'll store all cooking items and probably a washing machine. They didn't really agree on not having all the cabinets to keep things, but I wanted what I visioned and I try to not care about what people said. Plus it's my money and my apartment, I want to like the things that I spend on =.=

I prepared a mood-board. I want a white kitchen, a good space with airy ventilation, natural lights and where I can eat+lepak2 with my my whole family. I have a huge collection of pinned items in my Pinterest here - because I've been planning for far too long, so I can even imagine it vividly.

A small apartment is something I wanted so much other than travelling, but none of the things that happened since I bought it helped much. I moved-out twice since I bought it, so I supposed you can guess how much I wanted my own space instead of sharing it with my whole siblings. Now I don't believe their promises, it's over 5 years and they are still there saying that they will find a place. Nope, that won't do. 3 weeks to go.

Note : I bought one, I can't let myself buy another property in this economy. 
I have too many debts to settle and too many places to go. 
So this is my little place, I own it, and I want to love it.


  1. Azreen - have you seen this renovation? It is so white and airy and clean! I'm obsessed with her aesthetics.

    1. Thank you so much for giving me the link. I'm lovin it :D
      I just subscribed !

  2. Love the small tilesss. Cekidaut instagram @ayzeedayzee , I adore diorang punya #rumahmelur . :D

  3. Hey Reen :)

    I personally feel that what you did [kicking your siblings out] (those sentence is cringe worthy you know) is a right thing to. Now, I'm not trying to publicly inciting hate or arguments between your siblings (I love your siblings - especially Aja :D), but I guess they needed the push to live independently. Sometimes, people are too comfortable and never really thought about bettering themselves or their lives until and unless their backs are against the wall. I know I'm one of them. Ma is being ma, of course she feels hurt as she loves having her children around. You guys are all she have in her life. I do hope and I'm sure soon or later she will be OK with it and would not give you such a hard time. I do hope that AF shares the burden with you in your plans/project on this home of yours. :D

    p/s: can't wait to see the finish result!!

    1. Heyy Tasy, why so randomly stalk my blog ha.

      :F Still a long way to go with the kitchen renovation, perhaps until early next year after everyone leave the place and I can call the contractor to do a proper renovation la. Skrg susah la, so much dramas. Haha.
