July 11, 2016

Mini Escapism : Pantai Air Leleh, Pekan + Eid

It's just Af, Ma and I this year for our Eid at Pekan, Pahang. My other siblings were at my dad's with our new 'mak tiri' - it still sounds odd for all of us for having to accept a new family member. Roughly our first few days of Eid were packed with variety of foods from all our aunts' and uncles' open houses, mini escapisms during late afternoon before sundown, and answering to people's questions mostly on why my other siblings were absent + am I pregnant yet? *no. 


This sudden idea came from Af, on our first day of Eid. We were both bored and too shy to mingle around with people, so Af asked whether there were any interesting places in Pekan to visit. I can't think of any except for the nearest beach in Teluk Chempedak - for me it was still too far to spend around 40 minutes ride. So I asked my cousins and they suggested Pantai Air Leleh near the town. I've never heard of it before, we Googled the place and thought the images were decent enough for our time-constraint visit. It took around 15 minutes from the town to arrive there. We borrowed Ma's car !

Here what we found. A nice clean beach, strong wind, almost deserted except of few pondoks with couples hanging out - chatting. We were both excited ! I didn't even know we have a fast access to such a beautiful scenery near our kampung. All this time I can only imagine the dirty Pahang River when I think about Pekan. I was so wrong.  

There were 2 families playing by the beach. I spent the time mostly snapping pictures and trying to find a big crab. The weather was really nice, there was even a 5-minutes light hot rain showered us all - but nobody really bothered. Huge cloud blocked the sun so it wasn't hot and humid. Things moved slower, the sound of the beach was peaceful, and there weren't many people around to disturb the calm environment :D


This is the location to our new secret hideout :

Note : There were small rubbish like plastic bottles, pampers, tires and stuffs alongside of the farther side of the beach, of course. But compared to what we have in Port Dickson or Tanjung Sepat where I can't even dip my feet in the water, this beach was quite decent and clean. 


We were both pretty awkward in front of the camera, so this is the only picture of us taken by ma on the first day of Raya :

We spent 3 days in Pekan and by the forth day of our short holiday, we travelled back to the KL city. We stopped by at Raub to visit Af's family and makan2 raya before we headed back. There wasn't any famous festive-season traffic yet, we were one day early. Ma slept all the way because she wasn't feeling well, so Af drove back the Exora and I read Game of Thrones all the way.

Pekan to Raub - Almost 3 hours
Raub to KL - Around 2 hours

Happy Eid 2016 !


Video compilation by Af :

ESCAPISM EID 2016 from Farikarim on Vimeo.

I loooove the video and the song, thank youuuu ~  

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