July 21, 2016

Events : Azreenchan at Random Events 2016

I registered for 2 events ! :

Date : Upcoming 30th & 31st of July 2016
Time : 10 am - 6 pm
Place : MAEPS, Serdang
Link : Website | Facebook

Categories :
Art Crafts, vehicles, ship and railroad modelling, war gaming, radio controlled cars, planes and drones, tools, devices, equipments and materials for modelling, electric vehicles,  architectural models, table games, literature, master classes and so much more.

Note :
Contacted the guy in charge and told him about how I just found out about the event - and whether there's another spot for me to open a booth? And yes, he managed to squeeze me in. I'll be making a live doodle - perhaps starting on the Friday before the event day and will continue throughout the weekends. Af will take care of the booth while I go and doodle some stuffs on and off. 

So come and meet us !


2. Public Garden Consumer Trade Show
Date : Sept 24 - 25, 2016
Time : 1 pm - 7 pm
Place : Suntec Singapore Convention & Exhibition Center
Link : Website | Facebook

Note :
This will be my first international event. I applied for the event probably in June and heard from them back. Later they said that I am qualified to join their event and asked to make a booking payment. Long story short, I'll be going to Singapore to open a small independent booth! Can't wait!


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