May 15, 2016

Event : Secret Lies by Fadilah Karim


Last Wednesday, Af asked me if I wanted to go to Fadilah Karim's solo exhibition - Secret Lies at Taksu, KL. I've been planning to go since she shared about the event in her IG, it took years for me to finally she her artworks live in her own solo exhibition. 

I'm a big fan ! I bought a postcard pack from Art Expo at Matrade several years back just so I can have that one printed painting by her - and I framed it and put it among my small collections :D Among Oren, May-Ann Licudine and Astronautboys' works. 


Taksu is located in Dato Keramat area, the residential house turned into a private gallery in Jalan Pawang. The gallery is amazingly beautiful ! I didn't expect it to be so green and modern mixed with Balinese elements here and there like those white flowers and leaves that were floating on the small swimming pool, the house was surrounded by trees T^T

There were just 2 of us when we arrived at the gate. We had to press the bell and someone opened the gate for us. She said that the gallery is open only when people come by - to save the electricity. 


In my personal opinion, I'm not much of an art appreciator even though my mom is an artist herself. I don't really enjoy going to art events EXCEPT if I really like the artworks. I hardly have any understanding with abstract arts or messy patterns and mixture of those things. But this girl, Fadilah Karim, she just blew my mind since she started her art projects in Uitm even when she was a student several years back. I believed that she will make it. I know she will, because she made someone like me appreciate something like this. 

And this is really rare, for me. I've been her biggest fan since then.


I really wish she produces art prints and postcards so I can buy it and frame it. Alas, she did not. All I got was a catalogue of her current exhibition, which is great because they are giving out for free. Tapi takkan I nak potong the book and frame it kan T^T

Note : Her exhibition will end this 20th of May. 

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