December 22, 2015

Little Stories 215 : Small Talks 2

I'm really bad with small talks. 
My mind will usually process conversation straight-forwardly, and I'll give honest opinions/answer according to what's being asked. It is safe if you don't ask me the obvious, rather, ask me like you really want to know the answer of your intended question. 

This is some of the awkward situations happened at the office :


I was in the pantry at the office and I was pouring a big pack of sugar that I just bought for coffee/tea in the sugar container when she greeted me with :

S : Eh, Azreen beli gula?
A : Tak, garam.
S : ... 

I was cleaning up my table, getting ready to go home, putting my laptop in my bag  when she said :

S : Azreen tak balik lagi?
A : Tak lah, da balik da.
S : ... *awkward


That one time I went out to lunch with the girls.

One of the girl was eating chicken tandoori with cheese naan, and on the plate were raw onion and cucumber slices. In my mind, I was struggling to stop myself from discussing about why there were those onion and cucumber slices added alongside of the roasted chicken. 

Because : those raw slices of onion and cucumber can detoxify carcinogens on the roasted chicken - those black burned stuffs. It helps neautralize the food, ditto what happened on satay and that's the reason why they added onion and cucumber slices in the first place. How great our ancestors were, kan !

But I didn't. I know which face will they show if I explain those unwanted random fun facts to them. Because I have no idea how to make small talks so I keep on throwing random things that no one wants to know. Ha. This is why this blog exist in the first place, so I can be the geekiest part of me.


Previous post on Small Talks

PS : Are you bad with small talks?
Or do you know someone that is really bad in making small talks?


  1. for me, you are funny killer question!!! *teehee

    kalau saya, saya kan biarkan soalan tersebut berlalu dengan angin miahahaha!

    1. I guess mmg sy sebegitu socially awkward.. :F

  2. Hi Azreen. Fellow introvert here, although my efforts to make conversation with family members/colleague broke my bubble a little bit - when needed ;)

    My 2 cents:
    1. Just play along with those who ask you obvious questions. A simple "yeah" would suffice :)
    2. I like that onion story. Just tell them - whatever the awkward consequences you might face :)

    1. Of course you like the onion story, because you are an introvert. We introvert like random stories, ain't we all :D

  3. - shud just tell them bout the onion!it's a fun-fact-evryone-must-know fact. i dont think anyone will mind knowing bout facts.hehe

    - mybe ur colleague just trying to be firendly when asking the obvious answer question

    1. I did tell them about some random stuffs several times. Each time, they gave me 'that' awkward silence. Hahaha. So I played safe, gossips always works with girls.

      I knoow. I just don't like small talks, that's all :D

  4. is it weird if I comment here? bukan stalker cuma randomly baca post post lama Azreenchan :D
    I'm not good with small talks as well, I get awkward to socially involved with people and this makes me nervous to start working and mingling with all sorts of people around me XD

    1. Nooo, it's not weird at all. Hallo my dear reader! T
      hanks for you time for reading my random writings. I understand your shyness and introversion, but I'm not shy though :D
