December 21, 2015

Book : Post BBW 2015

I'm going to update this post until I finish all the books I bought from the BBW2015. So I won't have to tell myself that I've been spending a lot of money to buy books that I don't have time to read :p

Current Read : Fragile Things by Neil Gaiman


Previous Read :

Stieg and Me by Eva Gabrielsson and Marie-Francoise Colombani

I first read the book from the Millennium trilogy in 2011, soon afterwards I finished all three books and been reading/researching about the writer, Stieg Larrson. Here are the things that trapped me in the Stieg's fever :
  1. The books were good, really good, captivating and undeniably surprising. When I think about Sweden, I'll imagine a civilized cold-weathered country. Little did I know about anything more than that; the hidden crimes, the mysteries, the unspoken truths. In this trilogy, it gave me those possibilities of the different stories of Sweden. It might be fictitious, it might be based on true story - no one will know. But, God, the story was good ! 
  2. Stieg Larrson didn't even see his success. After he sent all 3 of his manuscripts, he died of heart attack. I can't fathom the idea of having to work on something so hard and didn't have enough time to see the result T^T He got no idea how big it will become.
  3. His 30 years life partner didn't get anything out of it, just because they are not legally married. All the book's rights, money, and all went to his father and half-brother. Their law is so flawed, I feel so angry. It's unfair, it is morally wrong. 
  4. I wish there are more, more to the 3 books. He planned on writing 7 books - but he managed 3, and the 4th one was in the early writing phase when he died. 
This book told a story from Eva's side, what become of the trilogy's rights after the death of Stieg Larsson, how she was coping, what Stieg's father and half-brother did to her. The book was written in 2011, there might be more to what she wrote in the book after it was published. But the latest news I got was - the 4th book is currently on the bookshelves all over the world, despite everyone's disagreement. I wanted to know what had happened, so I bought this book. I'm glad I did.

I learned from this book that the world can be unfair, and everything that you are fighting for might not even worth all the efforts because you might fall, and keep on falling again. You might not even see the good in it and lose all hopes in humanity. Stieg spent all his live fighting for the rights of people, women, the unheard ones, but in the end, his own family betrayed him. People might use you and it is hard to keep on searching for the good in everyone. Money and power, the pure essence of greed in human kind. Be grateful of what you have, nothing is yours to keep.

I decided to not read the forth book : The Girl in the Spider's Web.
As it was fully written and created by someone else, paid only for money and fame. 
If you have enough respect for him, don't buy the book ! It is just a fan-fiction, go download it illegally if you are curious - we steal back what they stole from Stieg Larsson. 


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