December 03, 2015

Little Stories 213 : Yess and No

I'm illustrating for the second travelogue project *after this one. So I've been super ridiculously busy. Busy as in either I stayed up until 3 am or I woke up at 4.30 am in the morning, after or before work, every day. Depends on how exhausted I was after the whole day of working, commuting and exercising.

The new full-time job is also taking up my time at the office, I hardly lazying off doing nothing because there's always things to do. Another new born in process ! I hope it will be launched soon. I miss my old lunch session with the girls, but works up here is a bit overwhelming lately. I managed to have my silent lunch staring at food alone after trying to mix-around with my new colleagues for the last 2 weeks *wohoo!. What's hard about working in a small team is we know each other no matter what - and there's no reason for me to avoid lunches together. Kan. So having my first lunch with myself is a liberating achievement.

Here's to my 256kl rice set that includes gohan, miso soup and chawamushi for RM 7+.


And my Etsy shop is picking up the crowds again, I guess due to the upcoming Christmas celebration and people starting to find things in Etsy and stumbled on my little shop. I feel sorry for all my sticker buyers, because they keep on receiving it later than it should. It's slow snail season - and I'm pretty occupied T^T

Plus we just bought our first petite car, decent enough for our use. So to re-balance my financial backup plan, I need to work things up with another project or two. >,<


After that we'll be planning on our monthly road-trips ! 
We didn't know where to explore in KL or near our area, and to feed our exploration cravings before our next trip in April, local road-trips it is. I'll make sure we will explore throughout the whole Semenanjung so AF won't have any excuses to plan on bigger exploration with me more often. Hah hah hah. Genius.

On my worst side *because I'm far from perfect :

  • I still don't like cars and driving. It stresses me out.
  • I missed all my series and movie session because I don't have time =.=
  • I'm hungry all the time, it's ridiculous.
  • I still can't wake up in the morning after staying up late working - like seriously. 


  1. oh please! keep feeding me more about your workplace story, i just have a sudden interest with this lunch thingy. haha

    1. My new colleagues are all awesome peoples, this is my first time of having people asking me out almost everyday and I'd say yes :D Most of the time before in my previous workplace, I spent my time being all alone and anti-social and very sombong.

      But I need to polish my social interaction skill.
      And try not to be too awkward all the time.
