November 29, 2015

Little Stories 212 : Nice Surprise + Tokyo Guide

I'm passing the Tokyo Guide to people who are planning on visiting Tokyo city. As you can see in the tab on the right with the list of next Tokiyo Hunters. Because I know I won't be visiting the city  again any time soon so I thought that I should make the book useful for others as well. 

You can also get your copy here, she just reprinted it and currently taking orders.

So, last month, Kiwa contacted me and said she wanted to borrow the book. *I know her from her awesome blog. It was a last-minute meeting, but we managed to meet up at the train station after I ran at the gym. It was an awkward meeting - as always, I didn't plan on meeting some strangers at first. But she was leaving soon so we had to meet up.

She was in Japan for 18 days, and I was happily stalking her Ig for those few weeks during her travel. Even though she didn't post as much as I expect her too >.< 

Several days ago, I received a medium sized pink-polkadots envelope. I thought it was the book that I ordered and I was wrong because it was my Tokyo Guide and some little omiyage from her as well ! I cried with joy and happiness, showing all the nice little things to Af. I had to wait for the weekend to get my gears up and take some photos and put it up here because I love them so :


There are some cute-cute mini stickers, a mix of washi tapes,
postcard, and a personally written letter :

I didn't expect for anything and it was such a nice surprise.
Thanks Kiwa, I hope you had a nice fun time at Japan and will post updates on your blog again ! >.<


Oh yes, I also asked her to put a tiny sticker on the list of places that she managed to go from the Tokyo Guide. So it looked so cute now. Mine is the cute rabbit and hers is the black cat. I hope the next Tokyo hunters will participate in this tiny quest as well ! :D


  1. nak join jugak tampal2 sticker kt buku tuuuuuuuuu......

    1. Nak pergi ke Tokiyo juga ke, boleh pinjam buku tu.
      Nanti tampal sticker kat tempat2 dah pergi :D

  2. Nyaww you wrote a post about meee *insert monkey hiding face emoji here* I'm glad you love every tiny things I included ^__^

    I didn't post much photos on my IG because I fear people would be annoyed lol lagi2 because I've been back for days masa tu. I think I'll post some throwbacks soon because I still have like a gazillion photos in my phone hahah :P

    1. Haha, it's your IG. You are thinking too much. You don't even have to write #tbt if you are posting, it's not like IG put a restriction to posting "real-time" stuffs kan.

      I looooove your posts on IG, seeing that you are abandoning your blog dah that's the only platform I can stalk :p
