November 16, 2015

Work Related : Good bye

I've been working in Damansara for 2 years of my life. 
I didn't even wait for the huge MRT station in front of the office to finish. I'll miss the long hours spent in the public transports - reading book of the day, I'll miss those food stalls alongside of the road and lunches with Ally and Nicole, I'll miss those familiar faces, the guards, the cleaners, the makciks, random coffees, and the silence.

I took back home one of my pet plants that I left at TRP. The Philodendron, it used to have 3 leaves when I first started taking care of it. It grew to 12 leaves now :)  I left Pothos, because Mandy said she wants to take care of it. I really hope they will try to keep it alive. It grows so fast and it might need some trimming or bigger vase and more zeolites.    


On my last day of working, I went down to have my final lunch with my ex-colleagues. We already planned for pizza the day before. Even though we did farewell lunch before when I left TRP a month ago, I still wanted my final lunch in Damansara to be with them :D 

The atmosphere was good, the pizza was good, the timing was good, everything was good. I'll miss you guys, that for sure. Thank you so much 


PS : Starting a new job today :F


  1. Good luck with your new job! I hope you will have a fun journey :)

    1. Aww, my first 2 days ended well. Thanks Nini :)
