November 15, 2015

Event : Komik Kon 2015

It was unplanned. Something I decided we should go for the weekend. I've been spending time at home alone for a week while everyone went to work, so I wanted to go out with Af. The event wasn't so far from our house, so we just took a motor ride to Maeps, Serdang :D I love Maeps - I wrote about the place in my : Post Urbanscapes 2013 & MAHA 2014

It was a really hot afternoon and I almost had my headache attack if it wasn't for the not-so-long ride to the event. We arrived and went to the ticketing booth to see the price. It was RM 35 per person :o As someone who isn't really into cosplay, superheroes, figurines, toys and western comics, the ticket fees was expensive. But we were there already, and I wanted Af to meet Oren - as he mentioned in his Ig that he will be there. So we just went through with it :D

There were cosplayers *of course, a lot of toys and merchandizes, figurines and comics. I was searching for interesting zines and local comics/graphic novels that I might want. But I didn't found any. So I just bought stickers for my Touch&Go card to replace the old cover. We also watched the first round match of wrestling between 2 women, in 5 minutes, because it was awkward - people weren't cheering and we were all silent and awkward. Or maybe it was just me :|



The highlight was of course, meeting Oren at his booth. We were both too awkward to try to greet and talk to him, so we spent sometime checking out his sketch book and the illustration that he was making at that time. At last, Af asked him whether if it was possible to draw both of us - the charge was RM 10 per person and he produced this :

T^T Maybe Oren didn't know how much it meant to both of us. We are both his kipas-susah-mati all this while. It was worth all the money spent for the event's ticket to just meet him and get his original illustration. I love it, we both love it. I framed it already :D

So my wall now consists of May Ann Licudine's original & printed illustration, Astronautboys super-nice illustration, Fadilah Karim's art-print, Ma's small original illustration and now Oren's illustration of us. All my favorite inspiring peoples. Waiting for a chance of Shaun Tan's and Craig Thompson's illustrations in the future :)

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