October 06, 2015

Tokiyo Trip 10.2 : Shibuya

Day 4 (Saturday) - continuation :

Hikarie Building :
It was a bit too far for us to walk to Shibuya Station from Harajuku so we took the Metro. 
We referred from Hello Sandwich's Tokyo Guide and found out about Hikarie Building at the station. It's on the first page of her book stated : 
"When you first arrive in Shibuya, head on over  to the new Hikarie Building and up to it's 11th floor sky lobby to take some photos over Shibuya."
We wouldn't know if we didn't look through the list T^T
So we headed to the building's lift and it brought us to the 11th floor and wa-lahh, we got the free view of Tokyo city :D I was so excited! We saw Shibuya crossing in much smaller scale :


Hachiko Statue :
We decided to find Hachiko's statue and referred local map. We were lost and went to the wrong ways again and again =.= There were too many people around. When we finally found it, I was a bit disappointed. Young kids and adults were lepaking around the statue, waiting, wasting time, doing nothing, staring at foreigners. We can't even get a decent picture without them staring blankly at us. 

Note : Hachiko statue is located right in front of Shibuya crossing, near the Shibuya station *different exit. Not near Shibuya Station at Hikarie Building. I'm not sure whether this makes any sense, but you will understand when you go there and see how many Shibuya stations they have and how confusing they are. 


Shibuya Crossing : 
I expected more, but I didn't enjoy the moment right when I was crossing it because I was taking a video. Not exactly the right time to take it, I know. Mental note : I shouldn't do this again, or I will lose my focus on the experience itself. And I should try the view from that exact level-2 Starbucks across the street. And probably try crossing it several times in a day at different time.


Loft, Parco, Tokyu Hands and 5-floors Muji :
We visited a lot of arts & crafts stores while in Shibuya. It was getting late, so we didn't really enjoy each places much. One thing I remember the most is : Loft has everything all the stationary-obsessed-people want. Those things are quite affordable compared to other places, got variety of cute things in every colour possible, things that we don't know we need and oh-so-heaven T^T

Can you imagine having 5 levels of Muji, right next to several floors of Apple store, and also another Tokyu Hands and 6-floors missed Tower Records? 
Yes, it's artsy-fartsy heaven.


Tsumumu Factory :
We missed a lot of places that 'I' wanted to visit from the book list. So I wanted to go to Tsumumu Factory as a treat for myself. We checked 2 maps and both we can't really decipher. Shibuya is a real-life maze in a city! We were lost, it was getting dark and we were both super-exhausted. I finally asked 2 school girls about the place and they asked me to follow them. They actually walked all the way to the hidden alley, where the shop is located. T^T My painful feet were so thankful.

The little shop was a real beauty! It is a 2-floor shop packed with all the beautiful little things. I couldn't leave without buying anything, so I bought a Hamamonyo handkerchief with autumn leaves prints *just like my little things :D


We can't do any walking much afterwards, so headed back right-away.
Another exhausted day well-spent.

Public transport spent : 792 yen


  1. thanks for sharing!! been waiting for your japan post. seems like u need to really study well the route. hope to travel to Japan someday

    1. :D

      Well yes, being in Tokyo was a bit like being stuck in a maze, I didn't understand the mapping, it was a bit different than ours. But it was really fun nonetheless.
