October 07, 2015

Run : Gym and Headache

I have another 3 months to complete my running goal (105/200km)

It's been awhile since my last run. The haze's condition worsen since last month, and we can't do anything much outdoor. I wanted to run! So last week we searched for available gym in our area and I found a great Groupon voucher : RM58 per month, unlimited usage, no contract. That's much cheaper than most running events in the city nowadays. 

Long story short, we both bought it and started going to the gym. We went there early in the morning during weekend while there was no one around. I hit the treadmill and started jogging :D That's the only thing I did. Run and jog.


Note : I went back with a bad headache just like from the previous 10km Maksak Run =.=  
I'm not sure what's my problem, but this headache is taking over my body and I don't like it. I still haven't found out the main cause of this headache : extreme exhaustion, heat, migraine or low blood pressure? I thought running will help but most of the time when I got too tired, I will end up lying in bed with a really bad headache. So how?

I read online saying how exercising shouldn't cause headache and how dangerous it can be :F I'm also too lazy to consult a doctor or get any prescription because I know they will give me Paracetamol and I'm avoiding those little pills. Plus, I think I mentioned about this in my blog several times already. Yes, I still get those really bad headaches! T^T 

Maybe it's a brain tumor! 
*Yeay, Grey's Anatomy season 12 is on air :

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