September 07, 2015

Travel Tips : Ziploc Bag



One of the most useful thing you should bring during your travel is a zip-seal bag, or famously known as Ziploc *it's a brand, but I got used to calling it as "ziploc bag". It is a plastic bag with a zipper like entry that is used for storing things or foods.

I usually hate bulky packaging because it will take too much space in the bag-pack. So what I do is take out everything from its original packaging *especially if you buy things in those promotional package, put it in the ziploc bag, and compress it by letting the air out. It saves a lot of space !

Why I like it so much ? :
  • It can be used for anything
  • It saves space in the bag
  • It is wrapped in plastic, so my bag-pack is save from any toiletries' spills
  • It can be used to keep documents & passport from getting wet
  • It can be used to keep sandwiches/fruits when we don't have any proper food container
  • It can be used to keep dirty slipper/clothes


So if you are planning on short escapism to places, you should buy a zip-seal bag beforehand. It might be handy. You can buy a cheap box of 50 bags at Mr. DIY for less than RM 5, or find it in Tesco.

You can keep toiletries in one bag, Milo packs in one bag, food packs like useful instant nasi goreng's perencah in one bag, little towels, slippers, extra backup documents and such. Be a bit organized, it can give you a lot of extra space in your bagpack.
