September 08, 2015

Travel Tips : Long Flights

I hate long flights. 
It took around 10 hours flights to take me from Malaysia to Istanbul, or Fukuoka, or Jeddah. Sometimes it went well, sometimes it didn't. There were many bad experiences than a good one. Sleepless travel, annoying neighbour, sudden anxiety attack, or uncomfortable small seats. Although I'm hardly cranky, long flights always-always-always make me uncomfortable and annoyed.

I rather sleep the whole time, but I'm not really a day-sleeper. So it's easy to sleep the rest of the flight during night, but it's quite hard to sleep during daylight.

Here are things that you should bring during a long flight *especially if you bought tickets from Airasia and they make you pay for anything extra - even if you just want a blanket, it's not complimentary guys, you need to add RM 31 to borrow one from them =.=

  • Neck pillow - to avoid neck cramps, you can buy affordable neck pillow. It is still a bit weird to sleep in a semi-sitting position, but hey, you get what you pay for. 
  • Mini blanket - a must! It can get cold sometimes, and for some people like me, I don't really enjoy being too cold. I'll bring my mini blanket to places, even to watch a movie sometimes. That one time I took a flight from Bandung, I caught fever on the way back home and that several hours in the plane was the worst coldness I've ever encountered in a plane.
  • Socks - Ditto this. Just wear a sandal during a long flight journey, so it's easy to sleep in fetal position if you are small enough, and wear a sock if it gets too cold. 
  • Book - If you have a e-book device, bring one. If you don't, bring one book that you will definitely read. 
  • Snacks - Small biscuits, mint fresh or chocolates might help.  
  • Toiletries - You will find this useful when you want to freshen-up after the long flight. But remember that you can't bring any liquid stuffs in bottles. There is a size limit for that, Asia : 100ml *and must keep in zip seal bag. You can try mini-paste like container to keep one-time facial wash. Also don't forget to bring oil blotter, hand wipes, tissues, tooth brush and lip balm.

Have a safe journey!

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