August 17, 2015

Little Things 200 : AF and his Games

I often wondered how people can spend hours playing video games. 
Until I've come to know AF and we bought a PS4 as one of our wedding hantaran. I knew he's a big fan of digital games on consoles plus he's been watching Pewdiepie and Marki Plier for years. He even watches those youtubers almost everyday after work just to watch the game-play *I still can't process this =,=


Since the PS4, I've been watching him playing those games during weekends especially since our monitors were put almost next to one another and I've been taking my full weekend off. I can't help but to see the development of his game plays. My favorite game-watching are from The Last of Us and Life is Strange :D 
I'm not a fan of any soccer play or Assasin's Creed though.

I've become attached with the story lines of these 2 games like I was watching movies or maybe super-slow short series because I need to wait for AF to play those games to know what will happen next. I'm pretty sure their production team worked very hard to make every little details matter and their character & story developments are really-really great :F 


It's been almost 3 months. Last weekend AF finished Life is Strange episode 4 with an abrupt shocking ending and now we are anticipating for the final episode that will released maaaybe in 2 months time. We, as in 'we' - AF as the player and I'm as a watcher. Ha. I even come to love Life is Strange's playlist on Spotify. Who would possibly created such a nice-nice playlist just for a game? Now I know I've been downgrading my level of expectancy on console games. 


Yesterday AF finished playing The Last of Us, it has been a long emotional and thrilling ride *even as a watcher T^T It was so sad and so thrilling and so good, all in the same time. I hope I can continue watching AF game-play it for the next rumored Last of Us 2, just to see how it goes. Go and watch Pewdiepie's first gameplay if you want to know what I meant.


Phewww. Terjebak


  1. I wish I can finish The Last of Us but I can't find time to do it. The game is beautiful and painful at the same time.
