August 16, 2015

Book : Pinball/Wind

As one of Murakami's big fan, I knew about his latest *but not so latest book that just came out. I went to MPH yesterday to check it out because the last time Tsukuru Tazaki came out, I got the book right-away at the same MPH. There were no long lines awaiting for the book like in Japan, I guess here in Malaysia, we aren't that craaaazy over him :D Thank God for that.

We went to the "Latest" book shelves and there I saw two reversible versions of Pinball/Wind :


I actually downloaded the e-books several months back and read it. There weren't any English version printed for these 2 books before this. These were the earliest Murakami's books written in 1979 & 1980, the first and second part of the Rat's series *if you are still following me. These 2 books are the most important books in the earliest part of Murakami's transition to being a full-time writer :D

The storyline weren't as strong and odd as others, but they are worth mentioning. I am still in love with them all :D I choose the right one even though all my other Murakami's books are from the left's ones version :( And it costed RM89.90 for a hard-cover ! If I waited for another 6 months, I'm pretty sure the paperback version will be released. 

But love does crazy things and I bought it nonetheless  ❤ 

PS : Oh, and they also published Murakami-san no tokoro, the printed and e-book version all in Japanese :( They aren't planning on translating everything to English. He answered to 3,716 questions that were asked to him from all those 37,465 questions *mine included. Now I really wish I can read Japanese :(



  1. Which design is better? The one published by Knopf (left) or by Harvill Secker (right)?

    Mind if you post their picture without the dusk jacket?


    1. I chose Harvill Secker version for Pinball/Wind and Tsukuru Tazaki compared to all other novels by Vintage.

      I love the silver hot stamping on the cover and the design itself, compared to the simple version by Knopf. I plastic-wrapped the book last week, so I can't take the picture of it without its cover, but if I'm not mistaken it's in full black - or maybe my memory is bad, I might be wrong :p
