August 10, 2015

Event : My 22nd

It's been more than a year since my last booth. 

This would be my 22nd booth.

I'm not sure what I was thinking, I decided to apply for a free booth in Uniten's pre-convo bazaar this week and I got in! It's happening during the weekdays and I still got 6 annual days to use before my last day at LGM so might as well do something out of the norm before I start at the new office. 

One thing that changed tremendously since my first booth in 2010 is the fact that I don't socialize anymore. I guess I just grew up and became more of myself + and stopped thinking that I need to please anyone just to fit in :(

But I have a huge collection of new things that I sell online through my Etsy : like those stickers, postcards and badges. And I should eventually sell those things that I keep on making, right?

So, please, I'm not sure when I will be opening a booth and sell stuffs again in the future. Do come at Uniten's Sunken Garden, the admin's building from 11-14th Aug, 9.00am-5pm if you want to meet and have an awkward conversation with me :)


PS : Oh, and I also want to show the students that I'm the living proof of GM's student that came out fine in the creative world. That even when I was once too worried about fitting in because we aren't fully in IT department or even Graphic department, there were always chances to level up and adapt to our environment :) We can rule our own world, no worries about that.

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