August 09, 2015

Book : Hello Sandwich - Tokyo Guide

Other than Memento Bento and Tokyo on Foot, I pre-ordered Hello Sandwich's latest Tokyo Guide zine last month. I even forgotten all about it until I saw she posted it on Instagram, telling all of us that it is ready to be posted. The zine arrived early this week :D

Several years back, I found her blog and I came across the previous edition of her sold out Tokyo Guide. So I've been waiting for a new edition from her ever since. 

Luckily I managed to receive this one before our trip to Tokyo.


She wrote down all the interesting little books, arts & crafts shops, cafes, parks, with maps and details like address, time, website link and snapshot. These would be the places that we will hunt and stalk and take photos yet feel too intimidated to look around. Hah.


We must visit Ghibli Museum ! :


Extra little zine in a zine :